The author of this book, EVANGELIST SADHU EDWARD PURUSHOTHAMAN, is active as an Evangelist in the Indian Pentecostal Church of God. He, who was actively involved in the communist party for several years, after acknowledging Jesus Christ, has left his political life and is engaged seriously in the evangelistic work, as eager as he was in his earlier political life.
He is travelling to various places in Kerala and Tamil Nadu and is giving messages powerfully, making people understand the words of God. He is conducting a Retreat Centre near the Divine Prayer Mount on the way to Sabarimalai, at Chatram. Through his prayer, the grace of God heals many diseased people. Living as a bachelor and as a witness, he writes and publishes many letters and also has written this book. I believe that through this book, people who are living with rifts, controversies, castes and traditions come to know of the real truth, and understand that there is only one God. They should all get united in the presence of the wonderful name of Jesus Christ, the Lord, who gave God’s words and performed signs and wonders. They should grow in unity and friendship and become Blessed people in the name of God.
I pray that this book, which makes one understand the world, will come out in many languages and that God should bless Evangelist Sadhu Edward Purushothaman more and more so that he will write more books of this kind.
Pastor V.G. Saji
Secretary I.P.C. Kumuly Centre.
At this point of time, when religions, institutions and through them churches and congregations are increasing, all worship God with superstition and unbelief and are becoming blessed, only in the sight of the world. When people worship and pray to God with their whole heart, mind, cordiality, strength and soul following God’s words, love others as themselves and rise against separations, disagreements, customs and caste disputes, all can become Blessed by God and save this world. Only to understand this and pray unitedly without any distinction, prayer meetings are held at the Retreat Centre, Divine Prayer Mount, a lonely place with the background of natural sceneries at Chatram in Idukki District, Kerala, on the way to Sabarimalai. All those who come here, hear and feel the words of God and are liberated from superstition and unbelief. Evangelist Sadhu Edward Purushothaman, who came forward to conduct this ministry has prayed, meditated and made a research before writing this book, ‘ARE YOU BLESSED FOR THE WORLD (SATAN) OR FOR THE LORD?’ I pray that all will read, understand this book and become Blessed.
Bro. P.C. Varghese,
Maranatha Foundation,
Millions of praises and thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died and came alive on the third day, who made it possible for me to write this book, bestowing His grace, financial resources and wisdom. He revealed His words and ways, performing signs and wonders in my life.
I spent 20 years of my life as a Communist leader, talking against religions and its leaders and even spoke about beheading them! A Malayalee Pastor who heard my speech was grieved, rushed to me and said that I would become a great leader in this world by knowing the real truth. I chased him away the first time. He tried to persuade me again and again and during the third time, I took pity on his lamenting and asked him to say what he wanted to say. I was taken by surprise when he began to say that Communism itself was a product of the Bible. He compared the words of the Bible with Communism and taught me for an hour. After listening to him intently, I welcomed him and asked him if there was so much in the Bible. He presented me with a Bible and went away; I started reading it. When I finished reading it for the first time, I was happy to understand that whatever philosophy I wrote and thought of were found in the Bible and started reading it for the second time. As I began to be impressed by the New Testament, I read more and more of it, understood many truths and became a Minister of God leaving aside all other things ! Now I am reading it for the 110th time. In my Bible research, the Biblical verses incorporating the word “Blessed” attracted me very much. The simple reason is that, if all men become Blessed in God, all sins, splits, controversies, caste differences and traditional imbalances would be banished from this wicked world and all people will become united and act in unison. And then Glory will accrue to His Name.
There is only one God in this world. All believe that there is no other God except Him. They call Him in different languages by different names as God, the Lord, Father, Allah, etc. So, I have used these terms so that all religions, churches, societies and Institutions would understand the real truth.
All act upon the name of God; they bow down, worship and pray to Him. But because they are ignorant of the secrets and mysteries of the words of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, sins, rifts, disagreements, caste separations and cultural differences, are increasing very fast in this world. So, all venture towards this sinful world, which is the kingdom of Satan. I hope this book will bring that fact out.
Those who are blessed in this world, love this world in an extraordinary way; they have superstitious beliefs and they lack faith. Those who are blessed in the sight of God, understand the secrets of the Bible, follow the divine words and commands and they get liberated from those who are blessed in the sight of Satan; as they are the people who fight for God’s justice, they will be exalted among the human race and they can only save the world banishing all the misdeeds, rifts, controversies, castes, traditions, superstitions and lack of true faith.
So in order to mould a good number of blessed people, the book has been written after supplications to God for two years; so read this book and act upon it, to become Blessed in the sight of God. Do bring glory to the name of God, by praying and working, to mould many more blessed people. May this book bring glory to the name of the Lord Jesus, who conquered this world after performing many wonders and signs in this world, died and rose up again on the third day. Amen.
Evangelist Sadhu Edward Purushothaman,
Divine Prayer Mount,
Mount – P.O., Vandiperiyar,
Kerala – 685533.
Translated into English by : Prof. V. Gunasingh M.A., M.Phil.,
Mrs. Edith Hope Gunasingh M.A., B.T.,
Only those who have simplicity, patience, longsuffering, gentleness, righteousness, mercy, holiness and peace are Blessed in the sight of God. Those who do not have these qualities are blessed, only in the sight of this world (Satan).
One who considers the worldly people as blessed, is an impediment to God. But one who associates himself with those Blessed by God, receives the crown of life.
One who has faith in Jesus, the Son of God, believes Him and follows His words is a Blessed Man.
One who is invited to God, who is vigilantly watching, who is wise, who comes closely intimate, who is genuinely grateful, who fears the Lord, who suffers much for God and one who is blameless is a Blessed Man.
One who reads the Words of God, listens to them carefully, believes them, clings to them, meditates upon them and does not forget them is a Blessed Man.
Only those who have simplicity, patience, long suffering, gentleness, righteousness, mercy, holiness, and peace are Blessed in the sight of God. Those who do not have these qualities are blessed only in the sight of this world (Satan).
Those who are blessed in the sight of the world, cannot be found blessed in the sight of God. Those who are Blessed in the presence of God cannot become blessed in the view of the world. Only those who are aware of these heavenly secrets and obey God, can effectively become Blessed in the sight of God; only they can worship Him truly, follow His commandments, praise, worship and pray to God; only they, can walk in the ways of God, follow His words, love their neighbours as they love themselves, stand firm in the truth until the end, receive eternal life and reach the kingdom of God.
Only these can do the ministries of God…. bring those plunged in darkness to light, liberate the people imprisoned in superstitions and unbelief, open the eyes of the spiritually blind, make the crushed, down–trodden people, who are penury–stricken receive life, exalt the modest people, develop all people’s unity and fraternity, scatter the proud and arrogant people, remove groupism among people, declare truth, justice and righteousness, bring in the reign of justice and speak and preach the words of God before the people candidly.
Those who are blessed in the sight of the world pray and worship God, but they never worship and understand God fully. They never obey Him even if they understand Him…. they do not walk in the ways of the Lord. They do not follow His Truth, and don’t love others as they love themselves; they have the greed and lusts of this world, and are quite opposed to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Through these people, there develops sin, superstition, lack of faith, dearth of love, paucity of unity, hostilities, rifts, wars, controversies, jealousies, murderous situations, adultery, illicit and immoral behaviour, disputes, unlawfulness, disobedience, mercilessness, idolatry, emptiness, witchcraft, wrong convictions, anger, bickering, theft and conflicts between religions.
The Bible says that we cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve both the world and God. As we go on doing the ministry of the world, sin is multiplying; as we go on doing our God’s Ministry, pray and worship God, sin is vanquished and we become Blessed by God.
For many thousands of years, people have been praying and worshipping God. They have the faith, that only God created the world and all the living beings, and makes them function; for Him nothing is impossible and that all good things happen only through Him. Though all people believe this, do all things in His name and pray and worship Him, sin is on the increase in this world among people. The reason is that millions of people have been worshipping God without knowing the genuine truth. Though a few are aware of this, they are unable to follow it and are living only for this world. If people understand God perfectly and function following the truth enunciated by Him, sin will completely be wiped out of this world. Only in the name of God, many religions, Churches, Congregations, meetings, rituals and festivals are existent. It is not only that there is no unity among them, but sin is increasing as well. By way of worshipping God, they act against God.
These people want to live with more money, wealth, luxury and powers than others. They think that people who have a lot of power are blessed…, that only people with money and financial abundance are blessed… that people who possess lands, houses and properties are truly blessed… that people who live luxurious and pompous lives are blessed… that big religious leaders and heads of institutions are blessed and that highly ranked political leaders are blessed. Believing so, they give preference and respect to this sort of people.
People belonging to various religions which function in the name of God, and people belonging to various churches and congregations give preference and respect to this kind of worldly people. They like them very much; they stay in the dwellings of such people. They worship and pray for such people for a long time. They are not only friendly to them, but also have more relationships with them. Such people can never be blessed in the sight of God.
Those who become blessed in the sight of men without really following God’s commandments and those who call such people blessed cannot become blessed in the sight of God. Though they act in the name of God, pray and worship, they remain sinners, nonbelievers and superstitious people. Through them, all people in this world are thrust into superstition and unbelief. So, sin multiplies among people and peace becomes deplete (decreased). In this world, only those who understand this and act accordingly, can become blessed in the name of God. They can grow in spirituality and walk in the path of divine faith and unite themselves with God.
It is God’s desire that all should become Blessed in His name. That is why He sent His only Son, Jesus, to be born in this world, to preach God’s true and genuine words; to shed divine light on people languishing in superstitious darkness, to liberate all people from sin, and to worship God genuinely.
Jesus spoke God’s words of truth to people; He performed many signs and wonders; healed the sick; cured the lepers; healed the diseased; gave sight to the blind; made the lame walk; gave the power of hearing to the deaf; brought to life the dead and preached the Gospel to the poor.
Just as the prophets had foretold that Jesus Christ, sent by God would come to this Earth, that He would preach God’s words, that He would perform signs and wonders, that He would die and be resurrected on the third day, that He would come to this world, and would ascend into Heaven. He had come into this world and gone back to Heaven. There are a few people who do not believe this. Those who believe this will not only get the grace of God but become Blessed in the sight of God.
To such blessed people their eyes of wisdom are opened. “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law” (Psalm 119:18). As the Bible says, the eyes of these people become blessed. Such people are not ordinary ones. According to the Divine Words they become like God. “He called them gods to whom the word of God came, (and the scripture cannot be broken)” (John 10:35). When such a great blessing has been given to us why should we not become blessed in the sight of God?
Jesus Christ, in His sermon on the mount opened His mouth and taught the people saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” Matthew 5: 3-12.
Those who put into action these words that Jesus uttered are Blessed people. If all people long for humility, there will be no sin in the world at all. From the beginning, Jesus was very humble. He who created this world could have created limitless comfort for Himself. But, as an example to all people, He lived a simple life. But, we who were created by Him, instead of being humble, want luxury and pomp. At the same time, we want to worship God. We should have an idea of how much sin we are committing. The disciples of Jesus Christ also lived a humble life according to His teaching. It is the desire of the Father also.
When all follow the path of humility, there can be no difference between an employer and an employee (labourer), and a man of high status and one of a low status. All who are humble are followers of the commandments of Jesus Christ. They are opposed to those who are not humble, and they reform unrighteous people. So the righteous people are always suffering. If we look back at History, all famous people who wanted to establish the truths had been suffering during the whole life or died as martyrs. These people are God’s Blessed people. Should we not become like them?
As much as we act for truth and integrity and suffer consequently, that much we become comforted by God and go to Heaven. When one eats a neem leaf, it is bitter and sour to taste. Some people will spit it out. But when they consume bitter leaves and medicinal herbs, many diseases are healed. Consequently, they become comforted and become happy. Similarly, when we listen to and put into action, the words uttered by Christ, they are bitter for some people. So, they do not put them into action. But a few other people consume God’s words, subjecting themselves to suffering. Finally, they find comfort and they become Blessed.
In Agriculture, we have to work hard by digging the land, sprinkling or spraying fertilizers, and pouring water. But when the harvest comes, how happy we are! Similarly, to receive the grace of God, we should follow His words and put them into action.
When we add sugar to our food it is sweet to eat. Wherever we go, to cheer us, they supply sweets, tea or coffee. The more we consume sugar, the more we suffer from Diabetes. In the same way, those who want to enjoy luxuries of life, become non-blessed people to God. They go to hell. Do you want the worldly pleasures that are sweet or divine blessedness, which is the product of bitter suffering? You decide for yourself.
There is a Tamil proverb implying that “the patient will rule the earth and the impatient will meet ruin”. The meek people do not desire for anything more, but are satisfied with what they have. They worship God truly, and the reign of these people will bring justice. That is why, if all who worship God have meekness, there will be no crimes, murders, disorderliness and rifts in the country where they live. In that country, all will be free and fearless. They inherit the Earth. Again, there’s a saying that “Patience is vaster than the sea”. The Bible says, ‘the meek are God’s people’. As they live a holy life, without committing any sin they will rule with Christ in the thousand years’ reign during the judgement days. When you are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, you need not regret thinking that you have nothing on the earth. Ultimately, you will inherit everything on earth and rule with Christ for thousand years. How much of Blessing God has given to the meek people!
As much as you are humble on the earth, that much are you blessed to inherit the earth. As much as you are not humble in this world that much sin will envelop the earth and you become cursed in the sight of God. Do you want to become Blessed or non-blessed? You decide for yourself.
Sin is growing abundantly in this world; through sin there is destruction of justice; due to the lack of the reign of justice, the poor and the truthful travail, the disparity in status among human beings is growing, there is ignorance of God’s words and truths, the criminals continue to escape and superstitions and unbelief are growing. From all these, people have to be saved. Blessed are the people who want to save men from these evils and they are the righteous people. They go about with their thirst for justice and undergo many difficulties and distresses to proclaim the truth to all people, to liberate them from sin and to bring the people who are in the dark to the light of justice. They are satisfied when through their ministry, many people understand the truth and come to the righteous path.
That is why Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness”. Christ and His disciples had hunger and thirst for righteousness. They said, “God’s justice is that one should love his neighbour as himself”. In this world if all who function in the name of God have hunger and thirst for righteousness, they all will be united as one, irrespective of religious differences. All will become blessed, with the coming of the rule of justice and worship God. But there is no righteousness in this world, no righteousness in different countries, no righteousness in Politics, no righteousness in the Government, no righteousness in Religions and no righteousness in many churches and congregations. Do you have hunger and thirst for righteousness?
A righteous king was ruling a country. As he became aged, he wanted to make another righteous and a meek man the king, and to get retired. Many people aspired for the kingship. He chose an elephant that had become wild once, and later became normal. He gave a garland of roses to it and proclaimed that the man on whose head the elephant throws the garland will become the new king. The elephant with the garland went along many streets. But the elephant became mad again. All people ran helter skelter and hid themselves thinking that the elephant was coming to kill people. But a calm and a righteous servant of God was coming in the street to pray for the king. He did not run away from the elephant. He prayed for the elephant also. The elephant threw the garland around his neck. The king made that man the new king!
When the new king was ruling the country righteously, the king of a neighbouring country besieged his country with a desire to capture it. The people of the good king’s country were also preparing themselves for the battle. But the king who was a God’s servant, considering that many might die in battle, commanded that no one should go to war. The king who came to capture, was surprised that no one had come to fight with him and came to see the righteous good king, who said, “Take my country also and rule it; I want to fulfill your desire”. The other king was moved in his heart and with a changed heart gave the God’s servant his country also. God had granted him mercy to rule both the countries with justice, as he was righteous and meek.
Those who have hunger and thirst for righteousness have compassion also. Just as one man has mercy on himself he should have the same mercy on others too. They are the true worshippers of God. Those who have mercy on themselves and not showing mercy on others, are rich, comfortable, hard taskmasters, purchasing others for money, possessing great power, exploiting the labour of others, creating divisions in the society, nurturing iniquity in humanity and taking all towards the path of destruction.
Only because of these people, sin is multiplied on this earth. Religions, governments and power are in their hands. They distort truth into lie, and lie into truth, lead all people towards superstitions and unbelief. Only those who fight against these people and come forward to save and liberate others from them, are merciful and Godly.
When a man shows mercy on others, he becomes a truthful man. If all people show mercy mutually on each other, unity and affection will develop among the people bringing glory to the name of God; all become blessed in the sight of God. The more a man takes pity on other people, the more God will show His mercy to him. The more a man dos not sympathize with others, the more God will take away His sympathy for him. So, Blessed are they who show mutual mercy.
Sadhu Sunder Singh, a servant of God, was involved in evangelistic work in Tibet. One day, it was biting cold. Many people were dying; Sadhu Sunder Singh and another man were walking on the road. On the way, some people were lying dead and one man was struggling for his life. The Sadhu told his neighbour that somehow they should save that man. But the next man said that they should hurry to the destination for keeping themselves alive. But Sadhu did not pay heed to him who walked away from him. The Sadhu put the half alive man on his shoulders and began to move forward. On the way, he saw that the man who was with him a little while ago, lay dead. But the Sadhu and the man he carried were alive, because both their bodies created heat by constant friction. According to the truth that the merciful will get mercy, Sadhu Sunder Singh was alive because he received God’s mercy. When one takes mercy on another, both will receive life because of peace.
The merciful have hunger and thirst for righteousness. They are pure hearted; they will see God. As God’s words function through them, their hearts are getting more and more beautified. When God’s words do not function the heart becomes impure. In this world in all things both purity and impurity exist; adulterated things are there, just as unadulterated things. In the same way, there are people with pure hearts and ones with impure hearts also. There are also hearts with mixed interests – worldly desires and God’s words.
The church where the congregation have their hearts purified by God’s words, and the activities they are engaged in, will glorify the name of God. Unity and love develop in them and they become blessed in the sight of God. On the other hand, the churches where people with impure hearts congregate, accumulate the sin in the world and glorify the name of Satan. They become blessed, only in the sight of the world.
There are clean lakes and unclean lakes also. The lakes in which fishes dwell are clean, and the lakes without any fish are unclean. The reason is that the fishes eat away dirt and mosses and this cleanses the lakes. Consider the ocean. As it has a lot of fish, it is clean. Similarly when God’s words dwell in men’s hearts, the unclean hearts become purified. If God’s words are not found in them, they become more and more unclean.
All people worship God. But how many of them worship with a pure heart? Only those who follow God’s words are pure hearted. When people go to churches, they take bath and go. Before entering the churches, they wash their feet. They think that they are worshipping God with clean habits. They worship God superstitiously. Only those who are not only outwardly clean, but also clean within, are Blessed.
God looks into the heart of each man. In every man’s heart, all the things he thought, did and studied in his life are stored within his memory. Other people cannot come to know these things. But the Almighty God can see through all these things. None can hide anything from Him. When a man prays, God looks deep into the heart.
If God gives people the power to see the heart of the other people, can there be prayer meetings anywhere? No. The reason is, aware that other people know the true secrets of their hearts, they will run away with their hearts gripped with fear! God is looking into people’s hearts. But they are worshipping Him without running away. The reason is that people are superstitiously worshipping without knowing God. Dear ones, Blessed are the people who keep their heart pure and clean.
Where the merciful and pure hearted people gather, there is peace. Among them, there is no conflicts, rifts, murderous evil, deceit, and so there is peace. They strive to bring others also who do not have peace, into their fold; Jesus says that they are the children of God.
Quarrels, conflicts, murders, and wars are increasing among the people. In many families, there are rifts between husband, wife and children. Conflict between person and person, caste and caste, religion and religion, party and party, church and church, congregation and congregation, country and country are on the increase. The reason is that there is no peace. If mutual peace begins to exist between one another, sin will not multiply. Many splits, murders, and wars are multiplying only in religions where God is worshipped superstitiously. So, those who worship God truly bring peace and become Blessed.
Those who bring peace are always suffering for the sake of righteousness. There is a great struggle going on between those who worship God truly, and those who worship God superstitiously and with unbelief. The majority of the people are those who worship God superstitiously. Only a few worship God truly. So, the superstitious and the unbelieving are torturing the true ones. This has been happening since the time of the origin of human kind – (ever since Adam and Eve). As Jesus, the Lord of peace, spoke true words of righteousness, they murdered Him. The third day, He rose up. They murdered His disciples and the Apostles. Until now, they are murdering, insulting, imprisoning and torturing the servants of God who are ministering truthfully.
The government is supporting only the superstitious and the unbelieving people. The reason is, most of the population is superstitious and unbelieving. Only they vote and elect leaders. So, the domination of the unbelieving is growing day by day. As a result of this, very soon, the rule of Anti-Christ is coming.
Keeping all these in mind, Jesus said that those who suffer for the sake of righteousness are blessed. If all worship God truly with faith, they will fight against the unbelieving, and will become blessed, receiving the mercy of God. When a man becomes blessed in the sight of God, all those who are blessed in the sight of this world will insult them with evil words and will torture them with false charges. That is why Jesus said, “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for My sake”.
The Scribes, the Pharisees, Priests, and High Priests insulted, tortured, scolded, spat on, pelted stones on Jesus and His disciples, and induced the people to riot against them. They brought false charges against them and insisted on charges of murder. The reason was that Jesus and His disciples underwent these tribulations, because they spoke out the truth and Godly justice. Those who walk in the path of divine righteousness, have no easy life in this world. They earn only grief, agony and opposition. But because they earned this, they have a major place in Paradise.
Those who live with worldly wealth have their reward and comfort in this world; but they have no reward in Heaven. Those who live with divine wealth have no reward in this world but only sorrow; but they have their reward and joy in the next world. That is why, the divinely faithful and the true servants of God who know these divine secrets, are happy in the thought of going to Heaven, ignoring their grief and distress. So Jesus said, “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for this is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you”.
Dear ones, so far you came to know about the true Words spoken by Jesus Christ who had been sent by God and the explanation of those Words. Those who believe and follow them will be divine people who pray and worship truly, and be Blessed in the sight of God. Jesus says that these people are the salt of the earth. Nobody can eat food without salt. The saltless food will have no taste. So, just as we add salt to the food, to make it tasty, we should add like salt, peace to everyone’s life, which is found in the Words of Jesus.
Just as salt is useful to all, the believers of God, should be useful to all people. Just as the salt is purely white, the believers in Christ should be pure and holy. Just as the salt melts, they should also melt in compassion and be humble. When salt is kept in a bottle into which water is poured, it melts and becomes one mixed solution. In the same way, those who function in the name of God and worship Him, should become united. When salt melts and becomes one solution, the dirt and dust are separated; similarly, the unbelieving and those who are not at peace should be isolated.
In this world, there is only one kind of salt which can be mixed with food; there are not many types of salt. In the same way, God’s words which Jesus uttered are the same. There are not many kinds of God’s words. Only those who understand this can be the salt of the earth. Those who do not understand this, pray and worship God superstitiously for their own personal affairs and worldly desires. There is no use because of this and apart from that, through them rifts, and evils are increasing.
They are like salt without flavour. Jesus says “If the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men”. Worship and activities that are without God’s Words are not only useless, but they multiply misdeeds and divisions among people as well. So, if everyone is active as a witness of God’s words God respects them. If they cannot witness, they become flavourless salt, which is to be thrown out and isolated. People trample upon them just as they trample upon useless salt.
Dear ones, there are many religions, churches, congregations, rituals, worships and prayers which are flavourless. If you worship God genuinely, you should not follow them. If you follow them, you will also become flavourless, good for nothing salt. Whoever prays according to the Words of Jesus, he is a light unto the world. God’s word is Light; all those who received it are lights. Wherever they go, their lights will shine there. When the people who are ignorant of the truth, dwelling in darkness, they see the brightness, they become happy, having seen truths never seen before. The darkness of superstition and unbelief is removed and they see the light of truth.
Therefore, when everyone is a light, the darkness fades away and God’s name is glorified. The more the number of people who are lights gather together, the more the brightness is clearly visible. When truth and faith begin to shine more and more, the darkness of superstition and ignorance fade more and more. All in the Divine Light, become Blessed in the sight of God. When a man stumbling in darkness receives light, he walks on happily. He reaches his desired spot, without falling down. Similarly, when a man walks in the light of the true Words of Jesus, he comes to God; he receives His grace. Dear ones, when you are a light to the world, many will walk using your light. When you are a darkness to the world, many are walking in darkness and stumbling into darkness. Jesus has said that if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into the deep pit.
“A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14). The reason is that it has been placed so high that it cannot be hidden. In the same way, a man who has truth is visible to all. Dear ones, should we not also become a city on a mountain according to the word of Jesus?
“They do not light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house” (Matthew 5:15). When we put a lamp under a bushel, it smokes out and becomes dark. But at the same time, when the lamp is put on the lampstand, it gives light to all the people at home. In the same way, when a man knows the truth, but does not put it into action or expression, he is like a darkened lamp. At the same time, when a man who knows the truth, expresses it and activates it, he is like a lamp put on the lampstand. Therefore, all people in every home, come to know the truth, become believers in God, and are Blessed.
When we talk about the True Word with our testimony, it banishes darkness and shines as light before everyone. Just as a city set on a hill is visible to all, when you are on a lampstand you shine before all. All rejoice and are glad because of that. So, you should all become a shining light brightening each house and become Blessed.
When each man becomes salt unto this world and a lamp in his home, good things will happen in this world and he will shine before all; bad deeds will vanish; God’s name will be glorified; our Father in heaven will be glorified. That is why Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
“Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill”. People should uphold justice in all things, and banish injustice. For this only, the servants of God created the law. That is why it is called the law of justice. Through this law, good things must be done. Bad things must be destroyed. But from the day of creation until now, only bad things are accumulating. The reason is that against the law of justice, superstitious bad laws have been written by many people and they have moulded many religions. Through this, bad things happen. Unbelief and sins are increasing.
People belonging to each religion boast that their own religion is the best and more truthful; they create confusions, court-cases and war and seek their own ruin. There’s no unity among religions and the world is being destroyed. Prophets (Servants of God) have proclaimed what is to happen, good or bad as prophecies. If these prophecies and laws are destroyed by bad people, then who will come to know about them? So Jesus Christ, who is God, says that He came into this World only to perfect and protect them and not to destroy them. He said, “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled”.
The laws created by God will never be destroyed; no one can destroy them. At the same time, all laws made by the imagination of men will be destroyed, and those who follow them also, will be destroyed and will become subjects to punishment from God. Dear ones, to escape from this impending punishment, even now follow the laws referred to by Jesus Christ even now. Even when the heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle of His Word will not pass away.
Whatever was said before were commandments uttered by Jesus. Those who teach without following the commandments are against God and are functioning for the sake of their bellies. They are engaged in dramatics, in the name of God. They are destroying the divine path; they are leading the human kind towards sin. They are false teachers, false prophets, mere worldly men leading humanity in the path of ruin.
That is why, if human beings break the minutest form of the commandment of Lord Jesus and preach against it they will be considered the least in the kingdom of Heaven. Whoever does teach and obey the commandments, he shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven. Dear ones, follow those who preach acknowledging the commandments; when you follow the others, God’s name will be blasphemed. When a person, not acknowledging the commandments, collects many people in his church, they not only are vitiated but also become unbelievers. In this world, the majority of the people become sinful, because of a few wicked people. I point out a philosophy here that I wrote with the following thought in my mind; ‘One wicked man can make many good people wicked; at the same time, only when many good people function together they, can make only a few wicked people, good’.
On the basis of this philosophy, when a few wicked men who can be counted on the fingers, turn into good ones, countless wicked people are moulded. On the same basis, the number of wicked people is increasing. Even if a drop of poison is put into a pot of milk, the whole lot of milk in the vessel gets spoilt. St. Paul, the servant of God says, “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men” (Rom 5:12). Jesus, who died and rose on the third day asks, “Can the Son of God find faith in the humanity when He comes back to this Earth?” Dear ones, we are living in this wicked world. When we do not yield to wicked things, and follow the commandments of God, when we grow in unity and love, and glorify His name, we become Blessed.
A monkey happened to see many people worshipping the Lord. The monkey also started to worship Him. The Lord came and asked the monkey why it was worshipping Him and what it gained out of that worship. The monkey said that it was also a creature created by God and it badly needed His grace. In that case, God asked the monkey if it would do whatever was commanded by Him to do. The monkey consented to be obedient. The Lord gave the monkey, a banana (plantain) and asked the monkey to hold it in front of its eyes for three hours. He said that He would come to a decision about its affair after the full execution of His command. The monkey kept looking at the banana holding it in its hand. How can a banana be safe and sound in the hands of a monkey? After five minutes, an exceeding desire to eat the banana, gripped the monkey. The desire became uncontrollable. The monkey thought as follows, “The Lord told me to simply hold the fruit in my hand. He never mentioned to me that I should not peel it, bite it or eat it. So the monkey peeled the fruit, bit it and ate it. The monkey simply held the covering peel in its hand and was looking at it. After three hours, God came and asked the monkey why it did so. The monkey replied, “You did not ask me not to peel it, bite it or eat it. So, I peeled it, bit it and ate it, and am keeping the outer peel alone in my hand” God said, “You cannot keep this plantain for three hours properly; how can you receive My grace?” and went away. Similarly, God has given this World in the hands of man and worldly people behave like the monkey. The reason is that their desires are all focussed upon the lusts of the world. They pray only for the worldly needs. But only those who follow the Words of Jesus conquer the world; they receive God’s grace and become Blessed.
In this world, there are various religions upholding various scriptures. They are all called the ‘Ways’. There is no separate God for each religion. There is only one God who created the world and all living creatures in it. If we believe that all things are happening because of Him, should we not believe that His words and His Scripture are one? We should believe that His words only could save the world. So, God, to save the people of the world and to make all the people know His Word, before two thousand years revealed His power by making His Son, Jesus Christ, to be born in this world, sending Him from Heaven.
Jesus saved the people of this world by giving His Father’s Words. God’s Bible is moulded with these words. Those who follow the Bible know the truth and get released from sin. In them, there is no difference between castes, races, the manner of worship, or the high and the low. They will love others as they love themselves. They will worship God with one mind and one heart. Without seeking any selfish good, they will give whatever they have to the common cause and live in a socialistic way and bring glory to the name of God. They will have an oneness with love, joy, affection, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control as its outcome.
A tree will give fruits with only one taste. It will not give fruits with various tastes. In the same way, those who follow God’s Scriptures will be of one kind, one character; they are exalted, honest, righteous, and ultimately become blessed by God. They seek God to testify that the Words of Christ sent by God, are all true and that they follow them. They seek Him with a fear that if any injustice is done in this world, they cannot see Him. They, without doing any injustice seek Him with their whole hearts, find Him and become Blessed. That is why the Bible says, “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart ! They also do no iniquity; they walk in His ways” (Psalm 119:1-3).
When those who worship God give witness in churches and among congregations, they do so with their whole heart asking themselves if they really follow God’s words. It is not like giving false witnesses in the court. Then they become true witnesses and get Blessed. When all become witnesses to God, differences and disputes will vanish and all churches and congregations will become united, holy and honest. Only those who take the trouble to follow this honest way, become righteous. From the old times until now, as there have been atleast a few upright people, God has not punished this world very severely. All who follow this honest way in the name of God, are upright, opposing unjust ways. They follow justice and glorify the name of God. If all political leaders and religious leaders are righteous, they can establish a just government. But, is there justice in any country now? No, if a man of integrity rules, it will be a fair government. But if unrighteous people rule, it will be unjust.
When a wholesome man leads a church, many people there, become upright and sound. If unjust people conduct the church, people there grow in injustice. A family is also like this. If we bring up our children through Christ’s words in the path of integrity, they become righteous, through faith. When we bring them up for the world, they grow up in injustice and become wicked people through lack of faith. If all of us bring up our children in the path of righteousness through faith, injustice will be terminated in this world.
There is a saying that, ‘if you see the mother near the water well, you need not go to her house to see the daughter’. She will be found only with her mother. In the same way, through one’s behaviour, we may know all about the people in that one’s house. Good children would be born in a good family, and wicked children in a wicked family. One’s blood contains everything about his character, his beauty, his wisdom and his disease. From one’s blood, all these are inherited by the child that is born through that blood. Dear ones, when you live with righteous integrity, the children who are born through your blood, will grow up in righteous uprightness. Through them, you will receive blessings. That is why the Bible says, “The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him” (Proverbs 20:7).
When we, in our family grow up together in righteousness, ultimately we enter the heavenly kingdom together. All righteous people enter Paradise together. The Bible calls them blessed people. To go to Heaven, we should follow the commandments written in Holy Scriptures, which is the tree of Life and then we receive His authority. That is why the Bible declares, “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city” (Revelation 22:14). Even though a man worships God the whole of his life, earns many degrees in theology, and does full time God’s Ministry, he cannot receive God’s grace, power and His kingdom, if he does not follow the commandments of Jesus.
In this world, people worship the Lord in different ways. Some worship by fasting; some walk many miles to worship Him; Everyday people proclaim Him making sounds through microphones; From dawn to dusk (till they go to bed) they worship Him many times. They make shapes of different things, paint them and pour out liquids on these figures; they bring trees, plants, branches, leaves and flowers to honour those ‘man made’ figures. They light those trees and branches, pour oil and conduct ‘yagas’; they dance and roll on the ground, rub different things on their bodies, cover themselves with various dresses and they sacrifice sheep, oxen and fowls, ringing bells; some people go naked carrying water pots; some fall prostrate down, kneel, and show sweet smelling smoke before those gods.
They carry lights, walk in procession and worship. Some worship lights held by people; some put fire into earthen vessels and worship carrying them in their hands; some put up lights in churches or homes and worship them; some lash their own bodies with whips, and worship; some worship lying down on thorns; some stay naked on high hillocks and worship; some pierce their bodies with sharp instruments and some carry on their heads and shoulders heavy things, dance and worship; some wear different kinds of dresses, robes, saffron dress and worship; some put a lot of money into ‘Hundies’ and worship; some conduct festivals and worship; some create images of animals and birds and creeping creatures and worship them; some distribute food to others and worship; some take vows, oaths and worship.
Some build churches; some decorate and worship; some worship pronouncing unintelligible words; some dance while sitting down; some dance with timbrels and musical instruments and worship; some worship holding several scripture in their hands; some keep silence and worship; some worship standing on one leg; some worship at particular times on the Sabbath day, singing, preaching, tasting bread and wine and worship in several ways. Some worship conducting large meetings and holding annual functions; some keep awake the whole night and worship; some choose one particular day of the week and worship thinking that there is truth only on that day; some eat and drink something delicious, and some worship tearing their backs with knives; some eat the flesh of dead people and worship; some give away new chappals to their churches and worship; some apply oil on the heads and bodies of others and worship; some keep many things on the bodies of others and worship; some worship pouring water on themselves mixed with a lot of ingredients. A few worship continuously for a few fixed days expecting grace.
Some worship holding weapons and dancing with them; some worship keeping coconuts, beetle leaves, beetle-nuts, fruits, and many kinds of sweets in front of them; some cut the heads of others put them before their idols and worship; some worship vomiting, making a few noises, howling, and smiling; some believing that they can see a god through pleasure, worship doing wrong things; some worship through marriages; some worship through microphones, and televisions.
Some, frame up pictures and worship, hanging garlands on them; some wear the cross around their necks and worship, keeping the cross in their churches; some worship the idols. A few worship chanting ‘Mandhras’ and rolling beads keeping them in their hands; some meditate; some think of dead people; they make figures like them and worship giving offerings to the figures; some put up flag staffs and worship hoisting flags on them. Some wash their legs in temples and worship wearing different kinds of clothes on their heads; some worship looking at one particular direction; some spend a lot of money, fly in airplanes to different countries and worship to have a sight of what they worship. In some places they worship, standing in a line forming a human chain.
Though people worship in these different ways, when they do this without following the commandments of God, they worship in their superstition and unbelief; they do not have any relationship with God. When they go on worshipping this way, Satan goes on conquering. Unity and oneness become reduced among people. Kingdoms become destabilised, wars, and controversies multiply among people and the whole mankind will be ruined. That is why, God has said that only those who follow His commandments will not commit any sin, and that they will live united in love and enter His Kingdom. They will alone have the authority of the Bible, the Life giving tree.
When one gets power, he can rule through that power. One cannot rule without power. In the same way, when one follows God’s commandments, the power and grace that God gives him get multiplied. He receives the unending power (everlasting life) given by God.
The tree of life does not vanish, but is a tree that gives benefits eternally. It gives benefits forever. They call the collection of the Lord’s Words as the Tree. When words conglomerate, they get eternal power (life). That is why it is called the tree of life. As the tree of life gives abundant benefit, the authority is given to people who follow God’s commandments to use it. They act with that authority. When they pray, their prayer receives that power. Through that, the sick receive health; the blind have their eyes opened; the spiritually blind (those who worship in a superstitious way) have their spiritual eyes opened; the deaf people can hear; lepers are healed; the lame walk; the poor who have a broken and shattered heart are saved; the people who are superstitious and unbelieving are released from their wicked ways and habits. When the truth is preached before the people, they understand it and come back to the truth. Nature obeys them and reveals to them what is going to happen.
These authorities are given to people who have followed God’s commandments and received His grace. Two thousand years ago, Jesus, the Son of God, received this authority. He performed signs and wonders, died, and rose up again on the third day. His disciples and the apostles had also received that authority. The servants of God, who had followed the commandments, had also received this authority. These are the Blessed people. To give the authority and to take it back, God has the power. When a man misuses this given authority, his power is plucked away. In the same way, not following the commandments, when a man misuses the authority given by God, He takes that authority from him. It is difficult to get the authority, but to ruin it is very easy. Only those who keep the authority until the end are Blessed people.
When they teach, they do not do it for the world, nor for money, nor for pride, but they do it only for people to follow the commandments. People, who minister, do so to remove superstition and unbelief, so that people are saved. So, the government should give permission and protection for this kind of ministry only. The ministry that does not do this, should not be permitted. If the government does so, it will be blessed by God. If a person wants to do some help, he must do so, for this kind of teaching and its churches. Then God will help him much. The more God helps you, the more you should help the Ministry. Then God is glorified. Dear ones, you also should help according to the strength given by God, and become Blessed. That is why, Peter, the Apostle remarks thus: “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen” (1Peter 4:11).
When a minister preaches the truth genuinely, those who help the ministry to be expanded are becoming non-worldly and they are separated without being clubbed with Satan. The worldly people and the unbelieving, hate them, or they are hostile to them and torture them. That is why Jesus told His disciples “The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil”(John 7:7). Dear ones, when you preach genuinely and do your ministry in the right way, and when you receive support, there are temptations. Many do wrong during those temptations; they backslide, but those who stand steadfastly are making themselves holier and holier; they are strengthened by God; they become like refined gold.
Without being refined or being putting in fire, the gold cannot be purified or be made into something good. In the same way, God refines you. When you are refined, many unclean things are burnt up and purified.” Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy” (1Peter 4:12,13). Dear ones, when you, after being refined do your ministry, and make prayers and supplications, Christ’s glory is revealed. Prayers and supplications are answered, When miracles happen in your Ministry, you rejoice and are glad; you become blessed people.
Dear ones, when you rejoice and become glad, you should ponder over whether you are also partners of the sufferings of Christ. The reason is that He suffered and performed many wonders and miracles. We want to do wonders, but are not prepared to experience His sufferings. Many ministers are of this kind in this world. These are worldly people. They do their ministry as an enterprise. If they do wonders, it is by the help of Satan. Satan also does wonders temporarily. The reason is that he wants to destroy God’s ministry through these people. Only the person who participates in both good and bad is a truly affectionate person, genuine friend, and a real relative. In the same way, only those who can share the sufferings, signs, and wonders with Christ are true ministers, genuine believers, and Blessed people. In a church when one minister encounters difficulty, all others should think that they also have a share in that difficulty. In the same say, when a believer goes through an adversity, all others should think that the same adversity has come to them. In a church, when good things happen to a minister or a believer, others also should believe that the good things have come to them. That is the church where blessed people in the sight of God congregate. The other churches and congregations become just places which worship God just for namesake.
Those who worship in unbelief and superstition, insult those who say, “Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’, ‘No’ ” (Matthew 5:37). Christ loves the insulted more and He makes them Blessed. He blesses their worship. He takes them to Heaven. That is why the Bible says: “If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified” (1Peter 4:14). The more God loves a man, the more the world hates him. This is the secret of God’s holy words. If they want both the grace of God and reputation from men, it is impossible. Only one of these things will happen. Only those who act understanding this are the true servants of God, devotees, patient people, saints, and prophets. These are the Blessed people.
People say that patience is vaster than the ocean. In the same way, the heart and patience of prophets are quite big. If all people are patient, no man will be an enemy to another in this world; he will not do wicked things; he will not commit murder; he will not go to war; he will grow in the love of man; he will bring glory to the name of God and become Blessed. That is why, to become patient and to be a role model, prophets are long suffering. But Satan’s people who cannot be patient, not only reproach these people but torture and whip them. They commit murder out of hot anger. That is why the Bible says, “My brethren, take the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience. Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful” (James 5:10,11).
There is a saying that ‘The king disposes off justice instantly, but God waits for a lapse of time’. In the same way, God, to fulfil His Word, is patient and metes out a horrible punishment to those and their generations, who torture prophets and blessed people. Those who commit errors and sins temporarily may escape punishment, through their authority money power and other possessions. But before God’s justice nobody can escape. They have to experience God’s punishment; the smoke of their torment has to rise eternally.
When the sun’s heat increases more and more, agriculture will be affected. People will be affected without food; they will starve. There will be scarcity of water. For the sake of food and water, there will be robbery, plunder, and murders. There will be no safety. For the sake of food, adultery will increase, with famine and wrong deeds. Infectious diseases will increase. As horrible tempests and earthquakes, will occur, destruction will increase. At such times, people who come forward to give food to those who are longing for food, will be considered as Gods. Only in a few countries, grain will grow well. Countries which are armed strongly will capture other countries. They will come forward to give food to people. They will produce food through artificial means. They will prepare clothes for them and do other help.
They will create an image, distribute it throughout the world and will command that there should be no other image except that. Without these sculptures, no other articles or food can be bought. So, the people will worship the image and its makers as gods. They will insult the true God, deny Him and abuse Him. The image-maker, will frame certain rules and regulations. They will call it with His name. They will signify that name with a seal, which should be accepted by the whole world.
In the ancient days, each king had appointed certain seals for his government. Even today, there is a seal for each government. There will be value only for the money and paper with that seal. No other money or paper will have value. In the same way, there will be one type of laws, one government, and one seal for the whole world. All should wear the symbol either on their forehead or hand, the seal of that name.
Those who do not come forward to obey the laws and wear the seal will be denied food. They cannot walk outside. Severe punishment will be given to them. So all will wear the seal in great fear. They will worship the image and the person as their god. The Bible says: “And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:11).
One who is worshipped as a god by all, is against the name of God. One who says, “I am everything”, is a horrible proud person; no one should speak against him. The whole world should be subjected to his name. At this point of time, the true believers of God will say, “We will not worship any name or image except the name of God; we will not have the mark on our forehead or hands”. These will be caught and killed by the man. These will become martyrs. After them there will be no more real believers of God in this world.
As the true believers of God are killed, God’s anger will rise vehemently and terrible destruction, poverty, famine and diseases will occur because of nature’s fury. At this point of time, the king of the image cannot help anybody. He cannot give food to all. Added to those cruel atrocities, murderous deeds will increase. There will be no value for the image or the seal or the king of the image. The reason being the patience of saints who retained the faith on Jesus and who followed the commandments of God will manifest itself. That is why the Bible says, “Here is the patience of saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me , “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes”, says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labours, and their works follow them” (Revelation 14: 12,13).
The Blessed people who died in the Lord are resurrected and will receive joy and rapturous Blessing in Heaven with God, as much as they had suffered on this Earth. Hereafter there is no death for them. Authority is given to them to give judgment to all the people on the Earth. They, before the presence of God and Christ will be High Priests and will reign with Him a thousand years. That is why the Bible says, “And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshipped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ, for a thousand years”.
But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such, the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years (Revelation 20:4-6).
People in their short span of life commit many mistakes, utter lies, and become subject to God’s anger and ultimately are thrust into hell because of their desire for wealth, money, possessions, for land, for women, for power to rule all for a little while. But a few people live for a little while, understand the words of God, live righteously ignoring their difficulties and distresses which come in the name of God, ultimately go to Heaven and are joyful and happy. The Bible calls them Blessed people. The one who guided them to this blessedness was Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
One who considers the worldly people as blessed, is an impediment to God.
But one who associates himself with those Blessed by God, receives the crown of life.
When Jesus was in this world in the form of Man, living as one of the men, He talked about several ways for all to become Blessed. By humbling themselves, by living away from tradition and the rich and by living as models for mankind; they receive the crown of life. Such people, conquering this world reach God’s Kingdom and become renewed consecrated people. One of the ways He points out is in Luke 14: 12-14. “Then He also said to him who invited Him, “When you give a dinner or a supper do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor your rich neighbours, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”
Dear ones, when a person gives a feast, he invites only those whom he likes, his kith and kin, those who are in comfortable circumstances, the rich and those who are in authority. The reason is that they are of use to him. The blessed people are not of use to him. So each one gives a feast for his profit. This is true with invitations for marriages, prayer meetings at home, other special functions at home and almost all other meetings. But there are so many poor people languishing in poverty; there are many disabled people unable to do any work. Many lame and blind people are there. If these people are invited, they will eat with great satisfaction and go back greeting the host. This is dear to the heart of God. The man, who gave the feast, becomes a Blessed man in the sight of God. God blesses such people abundantly.
If every worshipper of God is to give feasts of this kind, all differences, caste prejudices, and religious rifts will vanish; poverty will disappear. Equality and equal justice will flourish; all will become Blessed people. God comes to the places, churches, and congregations, where such blessed people gather. He blesses the worship of these people and answers their supplications. When Jesus was talking about this feast-giving aspect, one who was in the feast along with Him told Him; “Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God!” (Luke 14:15).
A feast in God’s Kingdom refers to the Spiritual food. When a tasty food is consumed, it develops the flesh. When Spiritual food (Words of God) is consumed, it develops Spirituality. When flesh grows, it commits sin. When Spirituality grows, it removes iniquity and gets sanctified. Dear ones, when each worshipper of God consumes spiritual food, there will be no sin among people in the world. But in the places of worship, a lot of people worship for the desire of their flesh. So, sin is multiplying, and in the midst of such people, many controversies in the name of religion, community and caste are increasing; unity and love among people are decreasing. So, as the man who sat at the table with Jesus, had good knowledge about spiritual food said to Him, “Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God!”
Then Jesus said to him as a parable – “A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, ‘ Come, for all things are now ready’. But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, ‘ I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused’. And another said, ‘ I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to test them. I ask you to have me excused’. Still another said, ‘I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.’ So the servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind’. (Luke 14: 16-21).
There are differences between feasts, which are given on special occasions by people and spiritual feasts conducted in the name of God. Many people participate in the meetings held in the name of God in churches, congregations, and public places. To them, spiritual feast is given through the Word of God.
Those who are satisfied with the spiritual feast, enter into God’s Kingdom. It is identified here that the affairs conducted by the Word of God are the spiritual feast. For this purpose, He sends His servant. When He invites all, they begin to evade giving false excuses. The reason is that as they are sunk in the lusts of the world, they cannot get away from them. When man’s worldly desire is analysed, it is contained only in these three ways. One is desire for land, the second is desire for property and the third is for women. The more this desire increases among men, the more sin also increases. Satan’s work is to deviate men from God and thrust them into sin. Eve, the first woman through Satan’s induction desired the fruit which God wanted them to avoid and ate it. She was not alone in committing sin against God, but subjected her companion, Adam, into sin by giving that sinful fruit to him. All the people who have come after them as their generations, are being subjected to iniquity.
Many of these people understand the truth of God’s word and are liberated from sin. They get baptized, follow the commandments of God and get prepared to enter God’s Kingdom. Only to prepare them, God sent two thousand years ago, His only Son, Jesus Christ into this world. All who had been subjected to sin followed Him. They participated in the spiritual feast given by Him. Now they are participating in His Holy Word. He narrates this parable for the participants. When the servant of God went to those who were invited and said, “Come, for all things are now ready”, they began to give lame excuses. One said, ‘I have bought a piece of ground. I must go and see it urgently’. Why? – because he was deeply immersed in the lust of land. Another man, when invited said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen and I am going to test them’. Why? – because he was deeply immersed in the lust of worldly wealth. The third man when invited said, ‘I have married a wife and therefore I cannot come’. Why? – because he was deeply immersed in the lust of the flesh.
Thinking that everybody will give excuses like this, the servant did not approach anybody else. With great grief, he went back and informed his master about those people satiated with excuses. The master got wild and said to the servant “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind”. The king’s servant did as he was commanded. According to the word of God that says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God”, only the simple-minded people want to participate in the feast. They live according to their prayer and their prayer is: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (Matthew 6:9-13).
If all live according to this prayer, there will be no sin in this world and all will begin to live a spiritual life. They will all live as social equals and become Blessed in the sight of God. But many use this prayer as a formality. Those who use this prayer truly are poor and live together on the streets. God wants these people to do His ministry. That is why God invites these people. They have no reason to give false excuse and they want very much to participate in the spiritual feast and become Blessed.
The maimed and the lame undergo much distress as they are unable to be employed. They cannot go about as other people. Their only prayer is : “O Lord, all people in this world go about freely and are happy. But we are unable to do this. There is nobody to look after us. We should also be able to go about normally. It is enough if we get this blessing, O Lord! Bless us, O God; our physical health also should be like that of others”. Thus they lament and pray. They have no other desire except this. When they participate in the spiritual feast, they receive health by the grace of God, and begin to go about normally. They become Blessed in the sight of God and do His Ministry. That is why, God wants them to be invited.
Blind people undergo a lot of agony, because they are unable to see. Their only prayer is: “O Lord, all have normal sight, but we are blind. It will be enough if we get back our eyesight.” They have no other desire. So God wants them also to be invited. When they participate in the spiritual feast, they receive sight by the grace of God, and do God’s ministry.
There are two types of blind people. One is the blind that have no eyes. The second type is those who have eyes, but do not receive spiritual light, though they read the Bible. Only the second type is more abundant in number. They do not spurn the world, do not act according to God’s Word, retain all the lusts of the world within themselves, and act as if they know everything. Only because of these people, all harm, conflicts, quarrels, and murderous deeds increase in this world. These are the people who cause differences among religions and other conflicts. Those who are not cautious of them, become spiritually blind. Jesus says that if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into the pit. These are the people who are horrible sinners among mankind. Such people were Priests and High Priests, Scribes and Pharisees, and nailed Jesus Christ on the Cross, and killed Him two thousand years ago. He conquered them and rose up again on the third day.
When Jesus Christ was preaching in this world, He said, “For judgement I have into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind”. Then some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words, and said to Him, “Are we blind also?” Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but you say ‘we see’. Therefore your sin remains.”(John 9: 39-41). If they have remained ignorant of spirituality, they are truly spiritually blind. Jesus Christ came into this world to tell these people, spiritual truths and to open their spiritual eyes. To such people who did not know the true words, who did not follow the commandments and those who followed untruths, portrayed by man’s imagination, Jesus said, “You don’t know anything” and He exposed their spiritual blindness.
So, when the servants of God proclaim true words, to such spiritually blind people, a few change their mind and want to know about God’s words, truths, mysteries, and secrets. They want their spiritual eyes to be opened and are ready to participate in the feast. God wants these people also to be invited and wants to bless them. The servant of God, according to what God said, invited all to participate in His feast. Then the servant of God told his master, that there were still seats to be filled at the feast. The master said to his servant, “Go out quickly into the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled”.
The Bible says that those who go on the broad highways head towards Hell, and those who go on the narrow way ultimately reach Heaven. The people who go with worldly desires are the ones who walk on the broad road. Those without any worldly lust, according to the justice given by God, consider that others also should live as themselves and follow His words, go through the narrow road. Some who go through the broad road regret later, when they come to understand God’s Justice and God’s Word. Understanding that they are going towards Hell, they return to the narrow way. At that time, they encounter many difficulties and are distressed about how to go through the narrow way. Thus, in two minds they lie about in the broad way, without any desire to go to Hell along the broad way, or to go through the narrow way towards Heaven. A lot of such double-minded people are caught in the broad way.
It is very difficult to change people with a single mind. But to change double-minded people, we have to instruct them repeatedly, to bring them to that one mind. Then surely they will become single minded. Based on this philosophy, when we tell the double minded people God’s words they will become single minded and participate in the spiritual feast. They can be cultured and many truths can be known; a true ministry can be done. That is why; God wants us to invite such people also so that they can be blessed.
Next, God wants those who are near the fence. There are so many religions, churches, congregations, societies, communities, castes, parties and governments that do not glorify the name of God. In these untrue affairs, meetings, rituals, regulations, worships and prayers take place. They have placed a fence of unbelief and superstition, so that people will not go out of this. This fence is around the people for generations.
When some of the people within this fence come to know of the truth, they want to come out of the fence and they stand near the fence. But they stop themselves from coming out of the fence, as culture, caste, religion and society hinder them. Those inside, threaten them that if they go out of the fence, they cannot live; they will have to encounter a lot of difficulties; relationships will be severed and nobody would attend their functions at home, whether good or bad. The marriages of their children would be prevented. Many dangers would be brought about by the gods they worship…..and so on. So scared by the warnings, they have no mind to come out of the fence of false religion.
But some ignoring all difficulties, distresses, oppositions and dangers enter into the truth. They are prepared to come out of the fence so that they can reach God. They make strenuous efforts. If such people participate in the spiritual feast, they can learn more about God’s Words and do His Ministry. That is why God asked the ministers to help the people dismantle the fence and bring them out to become blessed. “Many are called, but few chosen.” (Matthew 20:16). For 2000 years, God’s Words spoken by Jesus Christ are being repeated to many people in this world. But only a few chosen people have acknowledged His Words without denying them and are still following them. Many who are invited are resisting them. That is why, Jesus said that none with the lusts of the world would taste His feast.
Many who participated in the Spiritual feast, in course of time, bowing to the pleasures of the world, do God’s work and worship, just for the sake of duty. So, Jesus described what kind of people could do His true Ministry. He looked back at the crowd of people following Him and said, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:25-27).
Only those who sacrifice themselves to fulfil God’s words can truly do His ministry. Those who can remember His Words always, who can do research in them, who can follow them, who can instruct others, who are prepared to destroy superstition and unbelief, who are not afraid about the impending dangers and punishments, who are of the view that it is better to serve others and who are witnesses for the Lord, can do the ministry truly. They only can glorify the name of God.
Family life and family problems are a continuing story. This is a truth that the whole world knows. So, God’s ministry will pull one side and domestic life on the other. People go to the side, where the pull is more. Some get caught between the two pulls. Those who travel having their two feet on two boats fall down when the wind blows, as the boats move away from each other. Some hold their Bible under their arms and are jumping upto the worldly things that are out of their reach. When they jump up to reach the worldly things, the Bible will fall. That is why, Jesus, the Son of God, said that one who comes for His Ministry should leave everything and come after Him. He adds, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24).
So, when a person comes forward to do God’s full-time ministry, he should do a little planning. He calculates about what he should do and whether he can do it or not, if he wants to become a Blessed man in the sight of God. He can then understand whether the calculation is right or wrong. Before a person does anything, he must think out and ascertain beforehand if he has the capability and if he would be able to finish the work or not. If so, it will be a success. Whatever is begun without any calculation, will not only become a failure, but also will bring unnecessary weariness. That is why, Jesus gives this parable about starting a ministry. “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it – lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’ (Luke 14:28-30).
Satan battles and catches those who do God’s ministry without counting the cost and not spurning their possessions. After his seizure, their ministry turns out to be for Satan. Satan’s goal is that he must capture all religionists and Ministers of God and widen his kingdom. He wants to defeat God and His kingdom.
When betrayers are there to betray their own kingdom, that kingdom will be defeated when waging a war against another. Many religionists and ministers who function in the name of God, do not spurn the worldly desires and act for the world, become traitors of God and they cooperate in Satan’s battles. That is why, sin is multiplying in this world. Peace and justice are being destroyed.
But some ministers, spurn the world, and their possessions, and follow God’s Words and commandments, fight against Satan for the sake of peace and justice, triumph and become Blessed. The reason is that their power is more rigorous than Satan’s. Those ministers and believers who have lesser power than Satan get defeated, and begin to obey Satan. Their number is increasing. That is why, Jesus narrates this parable. “Or what king going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand, to meet him, who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” (Luke 14:31-33)
Those who act according to these verses of Jesus and who receive God’s grace, bearing all kinds of difficulties, distresses, trials and oppositions that they encounter, and withstand all these till the end in the presence of God, become Blessed. Those who listen to the Divine words of Jesus, and who come to Jesus without fumbling, receive health, preference, peace, joy and grace. That is why, the blind who come to Jesus receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers become clean, the deaf hear, the dead rise up, and the poor become happy, listening to the gospel.
John the Baptist who heard about all these incidents sent two people to find about Jesus. The reason is that, only Jesus, sent by God to this earth can do these miracles and speak God’s words truly. Nobody else can speak so. Many years before Jesus was born, this has been written as a prophecy in the Scriptures. Many not only believe this, but they keep saying that Christ has not come to this Earth so far, and will come only hereafter. If they believe that Christ came 2000 years ago, and did many miracles by uttering God’s Words, died and rose up again after three days, all can become united. That is why, John the Baptist, when he heard in prison about the works of Christ sent two of his disciples and said to Him, “Are You the coming One, or do we look for another?”
Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel reached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me” (Matthew 11:4-6). Those who come to God, listen to His words, and believe them truly, find good things, health, peace and joy. Their inadequacies are sufficed, when they come nearer and nearer to Him. They relish His goodness.
When we eat many kinds of fruits, only one will be very tasty. People eat that with desire. In the same way, people who worship God read many scriptures, and when they read Christ’s Words, they like them more and become His believers. Those who relish His Words, will never go away from them, believing that such sweet words can be found nowhere else in this world. A few have difficulties and go away from this taste, but return to Christ’s Words, as that sweetness is not available anywhere else. The Bible says that the Words of Jesus are sweeter than honey.
If a person has no peace or joy, though he has property, wealth, and authority, what is the benefit? No worldly property can be greater than peace and joy! Those who have discovered that joy, and relished it without any hitch, come to Him, listening to His words; they become Blessed. That is why, the Bible says, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him.” (Psalm 34:8).
Those who listen to the Words of Jesus and follow them, without any hindrance, will receive peace, joy, and grace and not wealth and influence. The rich and wealthy listen to God’s words, but they are hampered - unable to walk according to them. When those without riches and wealth get comfort, money, and property, they also are impeded. The poor work hard, but the comfortable enjoy wealth without doing any work. When the poverty stricken has a slight fever, he becomes sad and goes to work, as he has no other way of meeting his expenses for the day. But one who has comfort, goes to the hospital when he gets a little feverish. That is why, the wise men of the world have said that God’s light beams from the home of the poor.
The Bible also says that at the home of the poor, the hungry eat a little, but live a righteous life; so they lament and pray truthfully everyday. As the comfortable man eats satisfactorily at home, he does not love others as himself, prays showily just like a gold covering made on copper. The more the difficulties assail a man, the more he seeks God. That is why, Jesus lifted up His eyes toward His disciples, and said: “Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you, who hunger now, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you, who weep now, for you shall laugh” (Luke 6:20,21)
Though the disciples of Jesus live on this earth for a while, with poverty, hunger and lamentation, they will live forever in God’s Kingdom as satisfied, happy, and Blessed people. Those who accept this truth with complete faith are prepared to undergo all distresses and to glorify the name of God. When they do their ministry without hiding the Words of God and say that truth is truth and untruth is untruth, many hate them. They are insulted and isolated as wicked people. The reason is, most of the people pray to God, for their selfish motives and to satisfy their desires to live comfortably, and they hate the true servants of God. That is why, Jesus told His disciples: “Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you, and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake” (Mathew 6:21,22).
Deviating from this truth uttered by Jesus, many people belonging to several religions act in the name of God with many desires in their lives. They cloak many truths and secrets mentioned by God and act as selfish people, luxury hunters, wealthy, traditional, caste based, authoritative and they labour for donations, tithes, and pride. These people live in this world, rich, satisfied, full of humour, and flattering. Many people like only these kind of people, but God hates them.
Though these people live comfortably in this world for a little while, they will undergo distress for a long time. That is why, Jesus tells His disciples, “But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, for you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep, Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets”(Luke 6:24-26)
When some rich people who understand the secrets and the mysteries of the Bible act according to the Bible, they are brought low. But, without bothering about their being brought down, they comfort themselves. The reason is that they love the Biblical verses more than their wealth. They endure their temptations. Some rich people who do not understand, or are ignorant of the secrets and mysteries of the Bible, and certain other rich people who do not follow the Bible, are very unhappy, when they are lowered. The reason is that, they love their wealth more than the Biblical verses.
The grass growing in a watery soil withers, when there is no rain and when the sun is very hot. The flower falls down and its beautiful shape is destroyed. In the case of agriculture, the trees and plants, growing in fertile times wither away in dry times when there is no water. But trees and plants, which grow on highland without water, grow slowly and even when the sun is very hot, stand without getting dried up.
In the same way, the worldly rich people get dried up when temptations come. But when divine believers without wealth tolerate all temptations without backsliding and without any turning back, they, because of God’s Words withstand and become Blessed forever and forever. That is why, the Bible says “but the rich (brother) in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away. For no sooner has the sun has risen with a burning heat, than it withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beautiful appearance perishes. So the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits. Blessed is the man who endures temptation.”(James 1, 10-12)
These people without loving the world, have conquered the world, love the Lord and become honest people; they receive the crown of life according to the promise given by God. Each man receives a nomenclature of one kind. One who is brilliant in medical field receives the title of a reputed ‘Doctor’; one who discovers a scientific truth unknown so far receives the title of a great ‘Scientist’; One who accumulates a lot of wealth becomes a ‘Crorepathi’; one who is able to do juggleries in politics gets the title of a big ‘Politician’; one who steals without being caught gets the title of a big ‘Robber’; one who is involved in industry progressively, is known as an ‘Industrialist’; one who writes well is known as a ‘Writer’. In this way, a title is given to a person according to his work.
In the same way, a person who is active completely in obeying the commandments, who tolerates all temptations, loves God with his whole heart, worships Him with his whole soul and loves his neighbour as himself is called an ‘Honest Man’. In the same way, if we go on listing honest things ultimately one honest thing will prevail. Similarly among men, if one is considered more honest than the other, ultimately there will appear a Highly Honest Man. There might be highly honest people like him. These are the representatives of God. The representatives of God, who created this world, and all the living creatures in it, are more honest than all the other people. So, after getting the title of the ‘most honest man’, God according to His promise, gives him eternal life. There is no end to his life. He lives in God’s kingdom eternally forever. After receiving eternal life, he receives the crown of life, which is giving him a graceful life.
That is why the Bible says, “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been proved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12).
One who has faith in Jesus, the Son of God, believes Him, and follows His Words is a Blessed Man.
Jesus tells His disciples Words of truth, and brings them up in the spiritual way, in the way of truth and in the way of justice. When the disciples were following Jesus Christ and His Words, one of them, Judas Iscariot, desiring worldly wealth betrays Jesus, for 30 pieces of silver. Later, pained and saddened by this, Judas hanged on a tree and died with his belly bursting out. Dear ones, those who love worldly wealth are betrayers of God. But those not desiring worldly wealth and who teach truly will be surely betrayed by the people who love worldly wealth. But when people love worldly wealth and worship God, they all are betraying the Lord and His Son, Jesus; this cannot be openly seen by all people.
Nowadays, people worship in all places only for worldly wealth. That is why, sin multiplies and there is no unity in religions, churches and congregations and finally controversies and wars increase. That is why, Jesus doubts if He could find faith when He returns to the Earth. Is it not true that a man gets immersion baptism saying that he will listen to the words of Jesus and follow them? Then he should leave in the water his previous carnal nature and sins, must become a different man without sin, without worldly desires and must become one who loves others as his own self, following the commandments of God and become a man who glorifies the name of God and be a Blessed Man.
A few who receive baptism live this way, but many do not follow this, but receive baptism only for this world. They live only for this world. Some of the twelve disciples on certain occasions, joined this world and stumbled. Jesus who knew all this, having finished His last supper with His disciples, rose up and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, “ Lord, are You washing my feet?” Jesus answered to him,” What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” Jesus also said to him,” He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.” For He knew who would betray Him; therefore He said,” You are not all clean.” (John 13:10,11)
When a person immerses himself in water and cleans himself and walks out, without his knowledge, his feet become dusty. Otherwise, he is fully clean. In the same way, when a person does God’s Ministry, as he walks along the Earth, worldly desires and its affairs stick to him just as dust sticks to his feet. If he does not clean it away, worldly desires will stick to him more and more and he becomes a worldly man in completion. He becomes subject to God’s anger as he behaves against bringing glory to His name. Nowadays in all religions throughout the world, God’s work is done only to increase His anger.
If people are worshipping God without worldly desires, without ups and downs and without caste differences and if they forgive mutually and are peaceful between each other, all will be saved and become Blessed. God’s name will be glorified. That is why, Jesus washes the feet of His disciples, mentioning the Words of God. He does this for the removal of dust from their feet and for the removal of the worldly desires from them, about which they are not aware of. Still His disciple, Judas Iscariot, because of his obsession with money betrays Jesus with a greed for 30 pieces of silver.
In the congregations, when one washes the feet of another genuinely, if they think that the mistakes they have committed without their knowledge and all the worldly desires and lust have been washed away and forgiven, and if they love each other, that congregation becomes God’s holy church. People who gather there will become united and all will become Blessed people. That is why, Jesus washes the feet of the disciples so that all congregations in this world, considering that as a model, will wash the feet of one another mutually. “So when he had washed their feet, taken his garments and sat down again, he said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, happy are you if you do them” (John 13:12-17).
Until Jesus was born in this world, the churches and congregations that were worshipping in God’s name did not behave in a holy way. They did not know the true Words of God. They did not perform signs and wonders. They did not actively unite the people. They led the people through superstitions. As written by the Prophets, only Christ sent to the earth by God, could mould holy congregations. Through true Words, Christ brought them into true unity. People did not believe that He was Christ; they thought He was Elijah or Jeremiah, or John the Baptist or one of the Prophets.
Seeing this, when Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But what do you say that I am?” And Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” (Matthew 16: 13-16). Though the people did not believe that Jesus was the Christ sent by God, His disciples, who walked with Him believed that He was Christ, the Son of God. [The word ‘Christ’ means ‘one who was sent by God.’] The reason was that they had listened to the true Words spoken by Jesus, believed them and had received the grace of God. Therefore God had revealed Jesus to them.
Dear ones, whoever truly believes the life-giving Words of Jesus, not only gets God’s mercy and grace, but also revelation and prophecy. They are filled with the Holy Spirit and they become Blessed in the sight of God. Only when a man’s holy soul is filled, he can receive revelations and prophecy. If his holy soul is not filled, his flesh and blood will reveal nothing. That is why, Jesus told His disciple Peter, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.”(Matthew 16:17).
Whoever is filled with the Holy Spirit, receives revelations and prophecies and builds congregations which are not for this world; God’s Words and commandments are fulfilled in those churches. Satan, evil forces, unbelievers or their governments can do nothing against these churches. The building built on a rock is firm, but the building on sand collapses when it rains heavily and flash water comes. In the same way, nothing can come against churches which follow the Lord’s Words and His commandments. All other churches will be destroyed, when confusions, oppositions and dangers come.
In the last days, God’s Church will be taken over by God. All other
churches will go to the place of hell through the gates of Hades. That is why Jesus tells His disciple, Peter, “I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). To the Ministers who are conducting churches not overcome by the gates of Hades, God has given Words of truth and authority. There is a difference between these people and other men. These people create wonders on the earth; control nature; heal the diseased and those who have a debilitated body; they liberate people from sin and bring them into a holy life. God’s living Words abide in them.
When a person wants to travel to a distance place, if he has money for that, he travels without fear and arrives at his destination. Likewise, if we want to go to God’s kingdom, we should have the keys, which are the living Words given by God and should have the authority given by Him. We can go to a foreign country, only if we have the passport and the visa. Jesus has given each one the documents of His Words and authority to go to God’s kingdom. To enter into the gates of Heaven, we need keys to open the doors.
The owner of a house cannot make the keys by himself. He must get them done by an expert craftsman. In the same way, to make the keys of Heaven, Jesus is the expert craftsman. Without His knowledge no one else can make the keys. The reason is that He Himself has made the locks of Heaven. Only those who make the locks can make the keys also. That is why Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Except the way shown by Jesus, no other way can take us to Heaven.
God has given His servants the authority to build up His Ministry. Through some ministers who have received authority and who follow the laws of God with hard work, people come to understand the truth. They become united, and live without sin, without differences, but with love. They are built into one unit. The authority given to such ministers has been built up in heaven and confirmed in heaven. Some ministers who without following God’s Words and laws, saying that they have the authority, build up their ministry for themselves, their own religions, for the sake of money, and for the growth of their institutions; because of this they are separated from people, through differences and they lack unity. The unity of the people is untied. The authority given to such ministers is loosed in Heaven. So, Jesus tells His disciple, Peter, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19).
People should know who ministers to God and who ministers to the world. Only those who obey the Word of God can understand True Ministry. They get a prophecy of the difference between the True Ministry and the false one. The ministry that is now being done, increases the differences and does not bring glory to the name of God. So, people are being ruined. That is why, it is written in the Bible, “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.” (Proverbs 29:18).
The 12 disciples of Jesus knew prophetically who Jesus was. The reason was that they were safeguarding the Biblical verses told by Jesus. But one of the 12 disciples, Thomas, was not safeguarding the Bible. He did not have the full prophecy about who Jesus was. When Jesus died and rose up again on the third day, He gave His appearance to the other disciples, when Thomas was not with them. They said to him, “We have seen the Lord”. But he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” After eight days Jesus appeared to Thomas and said to him, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” And Thomas answered and said to Him, “ My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20: 27-29).
Thomas believed Jesus when he saw Him in person. Otherwise he would not have believed. Even now many people have blind faith. They say, “I would believe only if such a thing happens. I will believe only if miracles happen. I will take a vow that I will believe only after certain things are fulfilled.” There are some blessed people who believe fully through Biblical verses, where Jesus said, ‘Where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them.’ And ‘If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there” and it will move’(Matthew 17:20). The living Words uttered by Jesus give one life (Power). That is why they are mentioned in the Bible as Life-giving verses. When we believe in the living Words and make our prayers, we get the reply also. Miracles happen; the sick people receive health; all people who believe are liberated from sin, superstition, and unbelief and become children of God.
That is why the Bible says, “But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe His name.” (John 1:12) When a person becomes a child of God, he does not put his trust on people, but on God, and he keeps on growing in that belief. He does not go through other ways but is honest, righteous and is waiting for God’s kingdom to come. He gets unlimited, divine wisdom and he concentrates only on that wisdom. However much agonies, oppositions and insults attack him, he shines in that wisdom without any inadequacy. He is a light before all people. Without any deficiency, he is a fruit-yielding tree in a watery and fertile place. “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but her leaf will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.”(Jeremiah 17:7,8)
Mary, the mother of Jesus, trusted in her own faith on God and was firmly committed to it. As she was holy, she was blessed as a child of God. As she obeyed the words of God and had full faith upon God, she was blessed and was the one who received grace. Even as a virgin, the Holy Spirit came upon her. She conceived and begot Jesus, the Son of God. As she was a virgin, when an angel said that she would conceive a child, any woman in her situation would not accept it. But Mary was an obedient child of God. She accepted it happily, without bothering about other things. When she greeted her relative, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfilment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
And Mary said: “ My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour.
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant, for behold,
henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name.
And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty.
He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, As He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever”. (Luke 1:46-55).
Holy women obeying the Words of God, and are children of God, are blessed women. Their soul will always be glorifying God. When God sees their good faith where God is glorified, they are filled with the Holy Spirit and rejoice in God; they speak in tongues; they interpret them. The mighty God shows mercy on them, performs many glorious things and blesses their generation. They worship God, not following His Words and boast that they are for God and that they can do many things in the name of God and they also say that they are the only true ones. Such people are very haughty in their hearts. God scatters such people.
God scatters kings, who do not obey God’s Words, advisers to the kings, church leaders, Governments, their leaders and the proud ministers. He thrusts them out from their seats of power and raises the obedient ones to these seats. Many years ago, kings of high castes and their generations were ruling the kingdoms. People of lower castes were their slaves. According to the Words of Jesus, ‘the lowly will be exalted and the proud will be brought down.’ Only in obedience to God’s Words, the shepherd David, and such people were made kings. Nowadays, as democratic rule has come over the world, the kingdoms were destroyed and the humble have been exalted.
Once though the lowly worked hard, they could not get their true wages and were slaves to capitalists and went hungry; But through the democratic rule after experiencing a lot of strife they are getting their rights. Their hunger is being removed and they are filled with good things. The wealthy kings and capitalists are being defeated. Nobody understands that all these things happen according to the Words of God. Good things happened to our forefathers, the children of God, Abraham and his generations. He is showing enduring mercy and care for them. This was foretold by Mary who was filled with the Holy Spirit by the grace of God, while Jesus was yet in her womb.
When Jesus Christ, the Son of God was born, grew up and was teaching the Words of God, one woman from the thronging crowd told Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You.” But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it” (Luke 11: 27-28). As Jesus is the only Person who speaks the true Words of God, the woman who listened to His Words is speaking highly of the mother of Jesus. He does not speak of His mother and says, ‘Whoever it is, those who follow the words of God till the end, can go to God’s kingdom and become blessed men and women’. Jesus never gives any preference to anyone. He gives preference only to those who protect the Word of God. He gives preference to His disciples rather than to His mother.
As Jesus was teaching the true Words of God, the priests, high priests, scribes and the Pharisees, who were worshipping God with their own superstitious way, opposed Jesus; they pelted Him with stones; beat Him; spat upon Him, abused Him, ultimately betrayed Him, nailed Him to the Cross and killed Him.
Though they gave so much distress, Jesus follows the Word of God till the end. In the same way, His disciples also were tortured and killed. But they respected the Word of God, until the end. The ministers who have come as their inheritors are now being tortured and killed. They all keep the Words of God. That is why, the judgement days have not begun. As the Bible says, the rain, light and wind which are for the good people are experienced by all alike. As the Words of God are kept only by a few, for their sakes God’s anger of fire, has not still affected all people.
In some kingdoms, as there are no good people who keep the Words of God and as all people have drifted away from God and joined the world, God’s anger is coming there. As the sun’s heat is increasing, Agriculture has been affected; famine and hunger are prevailing; they go for many miles to fetch water to drink. Disease and sickness are increasing. Horrible tempests are destroying them. Earth quakes and volcanoes are destroying the dwelling places of people. People have risen against people; kingdoms have risen against kingdoms. Each one is betraying the other and everyone is hostile to each other. Homes and families are being destroyed. The father rises against the son; the son against the father; the mother against daughter; the daughter against mother; mother-in-law against daughter-in-law; and the daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. Many false prophets are coming up and they are deceiving others.
As those who keep the Words of God are becoming less in number and as all are drifting away from God and joining the world, times are coming when none will keep the Words of God. At that time, horrible dangers will come all over the world. On the skies, wonders will happen and down on the earth blood, fire and smoke will appear. Some will say to the mountains, “Fall on us, so that we don’t experience torture while alive.” Some will say to the hills, “Hide us.” The pregnant woman cannot run anywhere. Nobody will come forward to save her. The child that is in her womb will be born with disease and deformity. Women who are with children will be unable to feed them or even to run away. In those days, women who are not pregnant and women who do not feed their children, will be called Blessed. All will experience horrible agony.
Those who do not keep the true Words of God and who torture the blessed ones who obey the Words of God, are increasing in number. As Jesus taught the people about these very well, the unbelievers took Jesus to be nailed on the Cross, “A great multitude of the people followed him, and women also mourned and lamented for Him.” But Jesus, turning to them said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore, and the breasts which never nursed!’ Then they will begin ‘to say to the mountains’, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!” For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?” (Luke 23: 27-31).
Will the people who cut away the fruit-yielding green tree, leave a withered tree? Jesus was like a green fruit-yielding tree to all. The Words of God, are tastier than all other fruits. Jesus was not only giving these fruitful Words of God, He was doing miracles and wonders. Seeing all this, they murdered Christ. Without performing miracles, if He had been speaking those Words only, they would have tortured Him more!
One who is invited to God, who is vigilantly watching, who is wise, who comes closely intimate, who is genuinely grateful, who fears the Lord, who suffers much for God and one who is blameless is a Blessed Man.
Jesus was the life-giving tree, giving life to all. Those who eat the fruits of this tree receive life. As they shield themselves, they are united with Christ. Just as they marry a good bride or a bridegroom and they live united till the end, those who protect the Words of Jesus, are invited to the marriage feast. They are united with Christ, the Lamb and become Blessed. That is why the angel reveals to John thus: “Then he said to me, “Write”: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of God” (Revelation 19:9).
Those who anxiously expect God’s coming, will invite Him and will open the door immediately, when He knocks at the door. A wife who considers her husband as her life will be anxiously waiting, worrying about the delay of her husband’s coming when the evening comes. When he does come, she will run to the door to open it. In the same way, “And you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately” (Luke 12:36).
If one who has real attachment with God is waiting with the surety that God will come, he is a Blessed man. He, at all times following the commandments of God without drifting away, is careful. If the driver of a vehicle drives carefully following the rules and regulations of the road, he not only escapes from danger, but also reaches the place of destination at the right time. One who drives carelessly, not following the rules and regulations, becomes subject to danger. If a person has to travel as early as four o’clock in the morning, he must be awake and alert. If he sleeps, he will not only be able to catch the transport, but also the whole journey becomes a loss. After doing agriculture with difficulty, if the gardener is not awake at the time of the harvest, robbers will take away the yield. But one who watches and protects it, will receive the reward. In schools and colleges, only the students who are awake in the morning and evening and study, will receive high marks and succeed. In industries, only who watches and works will receive the reward. If one who rules the country, is careful about everything and is watchfully awake, he can rectify the errors, protect the country and rule it with credit. The stork, which is sleeplessly waiting for the fish, gets it. The employer is affectionate to his servant who watches carefully, without going to sleep.
In the same way, God comes to the sanctified minister who preserves and obeys His words. He likes him and helps him by answering his supplication. In the second and the third watch, increased sins and errors occur among men. God comes to see if His ministers lead a pure life at those times. The holy ministers who follow His Words even at that time, are Blessed people.
The Blessed servant of God, knows that when indifference is shown in obeying the Words of God, the thief, Satan will come. So he keeps himself vigilant to prevent Satan’s coming, shields himself with the Words and is prepared always, anticipating His coming. That is why, Jesus tells His servants thus; “Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them. And if he should come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.
But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Then Peter said to Him, “Lord, do you speak this parable only to us, or to all people?” (Luke 12:37-41).
The reason was that the 12 disciples who were listening to these words ask doubtfully if this teaching was only for them or for all servants who do God’s Ministry. Dear ones, Jesus is addressing all His servants. When all follow this true Ministry started by Jesus, they become liberated from superstition and know the truth. The name of Jesus is glorified. For two thousand years, because many ministers do their ministry, following the Words of Jesus, millions of people come to know the truth, from all over the world. That is why, Jesus tells this to all the ministers and also tells His disciples about how His ministers should behave: The Lord said , “Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season?
Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.
Truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has.” (Luke 12: 42-44).
A true servant would know whether the believers who serve him do so, obeying God and walking in the righteous way following His Words and commandments, or whether they, not following God’s Words walk in the worldly way, worship God and serve for the sake of their worldly desires and needs. He will pray night and day for the believers who serve him, following God’s Words and commandments. He will guide them treating them as his own life. He will teach the truth truly without hiding anything. The true believers will happily acknowledge his preaching, stay firmly in neighbourliness, breaking of bread and prayer. They will eat their food in their houses, breaking the bread happily and with hearts without any rancour and receive goodwill from all people. As the minister gives them their earnings at right times, they are guided in the right way. God gives them authority to do miracles and to prophesy.
The believers who worship God in the worldly way, not walking according to God’s Words, only desiring worldly things and their personal needs have their services denied, and he teaches them to have a change of heart and to become true believers. He becomes a Blessed man in the sight of God. God makes him a steward over what He has. The disciples of Jesus and others belonging to them, did this kind of service. But in course of time, it changes; any ministers do their ministry for worldly desires, own needs, influential authority, growth of their institutions, donations, and monetary benefits, following the world’s traditions, caste prejudices, and are blaspheming the name of God.
God gives authority to His servants and teaches them to be awake and watch. “Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming – in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning – lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” (Mark 13: 35-37). If the servants of God do not watch and keep His Words, God will suddenly come to test them. Nobody knows when He will come. When He comes, He will punish His servants who do not stand firm in His Word.
Dear ones, an Estate Manager sends watchmen to safeguard his estate in the evenings. They should keep awake and protect the estate. But some watchmen thinking that their manager would have slept in the night time, will not come; if at all he comes he will come only in the morning, and they sleep without keeping watch. But the manager will come suddenly to find out if the watchmen are awake or not and he will wake them up and punish them.
In the same way, some servants of God with the thought that their Master, God, will not come or He will come only after a delay, are not remembering the Words of God. Apart from that, they bring other servants of God also into their way of thinking. A few treat their fellow ministers in a cruel way. To earn a profit for themselves they give them a little money, out of a lot of money which comes from higher sources, after writing false accounts with a commercial view, in the relationship between the employer and employee, they are not friendly with their fellow ministers, eat gluttonously and live happily with all comforts. A few others, exploit the money that comes from the congregation and outside, use it for the needs of themselves and their families, buy land and betray the believers in their congregation. Some register the congregational building and places belonging to the congregation in their own names or in the names of their family members. Some ministers register their names, and the names of their family members in the name of a ministry and earn profit by using it through wrong means. Some seize the money, which comes from abroad and earn a lot of money, by selling away articles, clothes, books and even medicines. Some conduct institutions in the name of the ministry, write false accounts, earn a lot of money and get bribes from people coming to work in their institutions. As they are not true, God will come at an unexpected time and punish them severely.
That is why Jesus tells His disciples, “But if that servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat the menservants and maidservants, and to eat and drink and be drunk, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.” (Luke 12: 45-46).
Those who do not act according to God’s Words mentioned by Jesus, even though they know them and do not save themselves, additional punishment would be meted out. The reason is that a fence is fixed for saving the plants; but if the fence itself eats away the plants, what will happen to the plants. If the judges and officials who are appointed to maintain law act against law themselves, what will be the situation of the country? If the money in a bank is stolen by the watchmen who are there to protect it, what will happen to the bank? Similarly, the servants of god who are there to maintain God’s Words, act against the words, what will happen to the ministry and to the end of the world? That is why, additional punishment is given to them. At the same time, those who do not know the Words of God, and do crimes, lesser punishment is given to them. The reason is that they commit mistakes because of ignorance. When a man murders another with a calculated plan, death sentence is given. At the same time, a man who commits murder suddenly out of anger, is not given a death sentence, but only a life sentence. Likewise, those who do not know God’s Words and commit crimes are given lesser punishment.
The more a person is given God’s Ministry, the more he will be asked to give an account. A servant of God who leads a congregation will have to give accounts to God about the ministry and the income that accrues. Those who lead many churches and are leaders of many institutions are also accounted for. Those who live in a simple way, following God’s commandments, and give proper accounts, bring glory to the name of God; they receive God’s blessings and become Blessed.
Those who live a luxurious life in their ministry without following the commandments, do not bring glory to the name of God. When they give accounts, they are subjected to God’s fury.
When one appoints a person to administer his industry or institution, he will ask him for accounts. In the same way, when God entrusts His Ministry to a person, He will ask for accounts about the ministry. When a divine believer raises supplications to God for his needs, God answers his prayer and gives him his personal needs. But that divine believer should give accounts to God. Those who give right accounts are Blessed. That is why, Jesus teaches His disciples thus, “And that servant who knew his master’s will and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know, yet committed things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”(Luke 12: 47,48).
A good student loves his teacher. He learns from him what he does not know. He, without wasting time, studies and gets good marks in the examination and succeeds. He safeguards his path of progress. The teacher who taught him is also satisfied. A student who does not study well, does not love his teacher. He will not come near that teacher. Without studying well, he wastes his time, gets low marks and fails in the exams. The teacher who taught him is also angry. He destroys his own path of progress. In the same way, the divine believers and ministers should not come under the anger of God, should love Him and should live close to Him. Without wasting time, they must study the Words of God well, thoroughly understand, follow and meditate upon them. When they pray and come out victorious in their life of faith, God is glorified.
Without studying, understanding, and following the Words of God, God’s anger burns on those who waste time and fail in their life of faith. That is why the Bible says: “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little, Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him” (Psalm 2:12).
As many people are failing in their life of faith, God’s anger is burning on them. The kings of Babylon and those who belong to them, tortured the true divine believers and prophets. They murdered them and nurtured superstition, suppressing the truth. They called the things that are not gods as gods. So God’s anger burns on them and their kingdoms. Even now God’s anger is burning on many kingdoms which do not follow God’s Words. To the extent of their torture of God’s children and prophets, they, their generations and their kingdoms are being destroyed by God’s anger. That is why the Bible says: “O! daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed, Happy shall he be who repays you as you have served us! Happy shall he be who takes and dashes Your little ones against the rock.” (Psalm 137: 8-9).
If God’s anger is to subside, Kingdoms, their leaders and subjects must understand God’s Words told by Jesus, follow them, do justice and righteousness and cling to God. Such people should build up God’s Churches in all places and worship God on the Sabbath day with unity and amity being friends with each other, and without doing any harm. God’s Words and congregations should be safeguarded without any disruption. The Bible, through the Prophet Isaiah says, thus says the Lord: “Keep justice, and do righteousness, for My salvation is about to come, and My righteousness to be revealed, Blessed in the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it: who keeps from defiling the Sabbath, and keeps his hand from doing and evil” (Isaiah 56: 1,2).
The divine believers, who fear God, follow His words and walk in His paths, are not in want. God feeds them well. No disease or sickness will affect them. They will not be in need of food or clothing. They live peacefully and happily. God answers their prayer. Those who do not follow God’s Words, who have plenty of wealth, land and money, who have authority and are not the children of God, will have no peace or joy. Whatever work the children of God do with their hands, will bring increased benefits. Their wives without committing any sin or misdeed will be of firm help to their husbands and keep them happy. In their families, the children are very bright; obeying their fathers and mothers, they grow in knowledge, intelligence and wisdom and become the children of God. Through them, their fathers and mothers receive peace and joy.
Many people do not have peace, as they do not know God. But, when they understand the true Words of Jesus, they have a change of heart and become the children of God, they receive great peace and joy and become Blessed people. That is why the Bible says:
“Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.
When you eat the labour of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.
Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table.
Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.”
(Psalm 128: 1-4).
The children of God through their Ministry do not receive any harm, but only good things. They love others as themselves. Who can do harm to such people? But among people, there are many devils. They do harm to the children of God. The reason is that the children of God speak about truth and justice. They teach that all people should be liberated from sin and enter into God’s kingdom. People who have become devils dislike this teaching. That is why they oppose and do harm.
If all walk according to justice, there will be no sinful deeds among men. But sin is increasing. They are murdering justice. If the parties, Government offices, and Kingdoms fight for justice, all will be peaceful and prosperous in those kingdoms. But, today as injustice is active in these kingdoms, peace has decreased and iniquities have increased.
From ancient times, as the children of God are fighting for justice God’s Churches are firm. When devilish people threaten them, they are not afraid or upset and are speaking only about God’s justice. They are afraid not of men but of God. They are not worried about their flesh, but only about their soul. When God’s Children speak about God’s justice, the devilish men are angry. If they do not speak about God’s justice, God is angry. Of whom should they be afraid? If they are afraid of God, they enter into His kingdom. If they are afraid of men, they enter into Hell. So, the Children of God, not frightened or upset, teach only about justice.
As they are meditating in their hearts on God’s Words, and are keeping themselves pure they are not afraid of injustice. If they are not maintaining their holiness, Satan finds a chance to enter into their hearts and they are afraid and upset. They lose their hope. So the children of God should not yield to Satan but should keep themselves in the process of sanctification. They should have hope only on God. They should be prepared to answer all people who enquire about this hope, gently and respectfully.
When they answer all people respectfully with meekness, no extra quarrels or disputes or court cases will be needed. Even those wicked men who want to oppose them will become silent. So they become good people and join the family of the children of God. So, the Bible tells those who love the Lord of peace thus, “And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?
But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.
But sanctify the Lord God in your heats, and always be ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” (I Peter 3: 13-15)
Those who follow what is good, who suffer for justice, following the prophetic verses in the Bible and sanctify, their hearts daily, are ready to go along with Jesus, when He returns to the Earth. As the divine believers come in search of a bride, enquire about her thoroughly and only after knowing that the woman is a good one and is a good believer, they like her and after talking terms, fix the wedding day and come to take the bride, the bride is ready to go. These people are also ready to go with Jesus. But a few, after seeing and enquiring about the bride and coming to know that the bride does not have any good testimony, they will not return to take the bride. They will give some excuse and evade returning. The bride will be worried and unhappy. In the same way, instead of following what is good, instead of fighting for justice, instead of following the prophetic verses of the Bible, and by not keeping their hearts holy, they will be disqualified to go with Jesus, when He comes to the Earth. That is why, the Bible says, “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book” (Revelation 22:7)
People who come seeking a bride will come as thieves to make enquiries about her through their neighbours.
They will come to know the testimony about the bride. God will also come as a thief. He comes, not to the neighbours, but directly to the worshippers. He need not have anyone to tell Him. He knows everything. When He comes, as people will be not be having proper testimony or thoughts or deeds, He will enquire of them. Unable to answer Him they will bow down their heads in shame. Through they have worshipped God for so many years, it becomes ineffective.
The secret police will suddenly come, capture and punish those who write false accounts, who keep plenty of money without accounts, who commit mistakes and who are hiding and acting against law. In the same way, God will come suddenly, catch hold of and will punish those who worship Him falsely and their servants. Dear Ones, when God comes suddenly like a thief and meets you, you should not bow down in shame. To avoid such disgrace, worship Him, obeying the laws and the Words of God.
When a person becomes a believer acknowledging the Words of God, a white robe is given to him as a symbol of holy life and for walking in justice. Those who keep that robe without dirtying it till the end, become Blessed people. People without that pure dress cannot enter into God’s kingdom. When wearing that pure dress, we can enter God’s kingdom and could walk with God. The Bible describes that garment as: “You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy” (Revelation 3:4). “And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints” (Rev. 19:8).
A white dove is known as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. The reason is that the white dove lives a pure life. It takes bath and keeps its body clean always. Without killing and eating other lives, it eats only the grains of nine types. Wherever it goes, it goes united with a crowd. Until a male dove mates with a female dove, it does not mate with any other female dove or commit a wrong deed. In the same way, until the female dove mates with the male dove, it does not join any other male dove or commit any mistake. The married dove does not separate itself from its mate till the end, but lives unitedly. They share the food with each other. When, the male dove dies, the she-dove lives alone in the nest until the end, and is crooning. No other male dove goes to do mischief with it. If the female dove dies, the male one lives alone in the nest and is crooning. No other female dove goes to the nest to do any misdeed. In some species of doves, when the male one dies, the female one eats small stones, until its belly is full, flies upon a rock and falls down with closed wings on the rock and dies. Similarly, the male dove dies, after the death of the female one. The doves will be kind to all. The dove does not torture anybody. In the olden days, doves were used to carry messages, tied to their legs. So the white dove lives a holy life and as it is white in colour, it has been made a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
The serpent lives exactly the contradictory kind of life, against a dove. As it lives without any holiness in all aspects, they have kept it as a symbol of Satan.
As they do God’s work the divine servants, and the divine believers live like doves, and white garments are given to them. The reason is that their lives should be as pure as the white garments. An unholy life makes them naked. When they remove the pure dress that is covering their bodies with justice, they become naked. The sinful temperament of a naked man comes into them. So, to cover their bodies, they wear garments of the unrighteousness of the world. They become unqualified to wear white robes and act in the name of God. Some men and women with wrongful thoughts of adultery see and speak with each other. They do so with the thoughts that they are prepared to become nude.
Wrong thoughts and behaviour, are sunk in each one’s heart. A man cannot see another man’s heart, but God can see it. God has the ability to see through a man’s heart. When He comes and sees that the heart has been dirtied and has the imprint of nakedness, He goes away to a distance. If man can see, as God does the hearts of others, as in a television, all can know the hearts of others. Then everyone will run away from the other since all are guilty. Then no worship will take place in the world. So we should save our hearts, wearing the white garments of justice, so that God will like our hearts. The Bible says, “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame” (Revelation 16:15).
Though a person is awake, if he does not safeguard his garment of righteousness, he has wickedness in his spirit and commits many unjust things. All his wicked deeds are registered in his heart. God counts them and punishes them accordingly. He takes into His kingdom all Blessed people who did not do wicked things and are not wicked in spirit. That is why the Bible says, “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile (Psalm 32:2).
From the time the Earth was created, until now the sin which man commits is increasing. As man who grows up amidst traditions, does not know the sins of traditions, unaware if it he commits sin because of tradition. As one who grows up in superstition is not aware of it, he commits sin unknowingly with superstition. As one who grows up in the world is not aware of it., he commits sin because of the world. As one who grows up amidst caste differences, is not aware of it, without his own knowledge, he commits sin. Thus, people, not getting liberated by their knowledge of truth, are growing up in sin.
In the olden days, when they saw a Hippie with long hair, they called him a songster. The reason is that all singers grew long hair like a Hippie. Nowadays, they grew long hair like a Hippie for fashion! When thirty such people are walking along with hundred people, we cannot distinguish a songster from the others. In the same way, when a person commits sin, they call him a sinner. But when many sin, we cannot locate who the sinner is.
When just one person adopts a new culture in the new civilization, he will be looked upon as a different person. When all come up with that culture, the difference disappears. When a person is wearing a garment of patches, he is called a clown. If all people wear such a dress, there is nobody left to identify anyone as a clown. In the olden days, women who wore revealing clothes, were called prostitutes. But now as all women are ill-clad, who can be differentiated as a prostitute? Thus when a man commits sin, he is called a sinner. But when many commit sin, it becomes unknown who the sinner is. In the Bible it is clearly distinguished between who commits sin and who the divine believers who do not commit sin are. When one reads and understands that he is sunk in sin without his own knowledge. He feels sad, weeps and intercedes with God. God forgives such people; they become renewed, holy, newly born children of God and new creatures. They receive the mercy of God. Once born in flesh and sunk in sin, they destroy the old things and are born in God anew. For that they according to what is written in the Bible, dip themselves into the rivers and receive baptism through God’s servants. With wisdom they immerse in water. From that time onwards, they, without committing sin, without following separate traditions, and castes they denounce the world, follow God’s commandments and begin to live as God’s children. They are afraid constantly about committing any sin; they protect themselves from sinning and become Blessed people.
Those who do not protect themselves, commit sin again and are hiding their sins, just as gold covering is given to copper to hide its impurity. They follow traditions, castes and the world, and harden their hearts. As God gives such people additional punishment, they fall into harm. That is why, the Bible says:
“He who covers his sins will not prosper,
But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.
Happy is the man who is always reverent, But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity” (Proverbs 28: 13-14).
One who reads the Words of God, listens to them carefully, believes them, clings to them, meditates upon them and does not forget them is a Blessed Man.
When you do not become a blessed man in the sight of the world and do become a Blessed man in the eyes of the Lord, you will understand the secrets and the mysteries of the Bible. You will receive the great grace of God and when the divine verses are working in your heart, you receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and you will be in the process of becoming a holy person. Your sins, unbelief, differences and rifts will vanish. Your religions, castes, communities and institutions will disappear. All will be united together in friendship and become jointly Blessed and bring glory to the name of God. You will set aside all worldliness.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the Lord, not only gave the Words of God to this world, but performed signs and wonders in this world. All people who saw the wonders rushed to Him to get rid of their diseases, distresses and problems and to get the dead raised to life. Peace and joy were available to all who came to Him. But when they listened to the divine Words of Jesus, they disliked them and ran away thinking that He was telling them impractical and strange words which could not be followed. The reason was that they were unable to live according to the Words and commandments of God. They ran away as they could not love others and become united. But a few were happy that they were able to listen to the Words of God, which were never heard before. They believed that He was the Son of God and followed Him. They told themselves that their ears could hear the Words of God never heard before and their eyes that saw the miracles never performed before and were blessed. The reason was that their hearts were pure. As their hearts were not filled with worldly desires, they were filled with the Words of God.
In the hearts of a few, as sins and unbelief had been filled and their hearts were hardened, God’s Words unable to find a dwelling place, returned. In places that are fully filled, nothing else can be stored. In the same way, when the fattened worldly words, opposed to the Words of God, have filled their sinful hearts, God’s Words cannot reach them. When such people listen to God’s Words, they hear it dimly without any feeling. Seeing miracles happening through God’s words, they do not understand how they happen. They do not repent or get strengthened or become healthy. Those who listen to God’s Words in a dull manner will go to sleep. In educational institutions, some students listen sluggishly and go to sleep. Some others sleep while listening and become failures in the examination.
In the same way, some listen to God’s Words vaguely and close their eyes. A few others act as though they are listening and become dull in the end. A few others listen well, believe them but backslide during times of temptation. Quite a few listen, become emotional but drift away from God because of worldly anxieties, wealth and lust; they become blessed in the sight of the world.
When the 12 disciples were following Jesus and were teaching people, the people living at one place were worshipping in the temples that were conducted in the name of God. They followed traditions with ignorance and superstition. But they were making enquiries about where the truth was. There is a proverb saying, ‘ what we see and hear may be untrue, but what we enquire well and find out may bring out the truth’. Accordingly, they were enquirers after truth. Righteous people will not be enquiring if what they saw and heard were true. They will enquire deeply and will believe only after they are convinced about what the truth is. But fools without any justice will believe completely what they see and what they hear and bring other people also into their faith. They do not have the intelligence to differentiate between truth and untruth.
When Peter, the disciple of Jesus was teaching along with the other disciples, righteous men who wanted to understand God’s justice listened to his teachings. They were saddened and pricked in their hearts that they were not worshipping God truly and asked him what they should do. Peter said to them, “Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call”. And with many other words he testified and exhorted them saying, “ Be saved from this perverse generation”
Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:38-47). The apostles performed signs and wonders.
Before Jesus was born, many prophets and righteous people were zealously longing to hear and see the true Words of God. But they did not have the fortune to do so. But these people who listened to God’s Words coming from Christ, and acted accordingly were more Blessed than the prophets and righteous people. This fortune is for all. We too, like them, are not attached to this world, where contradictory generations live. We obey the Words and commandments of God and work in unison. Then we too become Blessed. We become the generations of God.
Those belonging to this world are contradictory generations. They hear the Words of God uttered by Jesus Christ, see and talk about it for the past two thousand years. But many, not liberated from the world, worship, pray and go to churches thinking that they should have this world and also God. Hence, religions, castes, rifts and contradictions are increasing. Jesus teaches them reminding them of the words spoken by the Prophet Isaiah thus: “Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; for the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart and turn, so that I should heal them.
But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”(Matthew 13:14-17)
You, who have read these verses, do listen to God’s Words, believe them and do not forget them. Instead of listening to them, only when distresses and needs come, but listen to them whole-heartedly at all times. If you keep the world in your hearts you will not listen to them. People will be listening only to the things that they are very much interested in. Some people appear to be happy when they see films on the TV, good scenes and they enjoy songs and dances. Some listen to all about financial matters and matters connected with money. Some listen fully to know about the election results during election time. Some like to come to know about the incidents that happen during war times. Some listen carefully to know the prices in the commercial field. Thus different people listen well to different aspects in this world.
Those who listen to God’s Words and understand the secrets and the mysteries in them and obey those Words are Blessed people. They grow in the Spiritual way and are going towards the kingdom of Heaven by keeping the words. They speak in tongues, interpret prophecies and proclaim revelations. In them God’s wisdom is growing. That is why, the Bible calls the worldly wise people as mad. As the worldly wisdom grows, sin and discriminations will grow. As the Divine wisdom grows, sin will disappear; holiness and unity will grow.
Ponder a little while about what kind of wisdom is growing in this world and in you. To grow in Divine wisdom, your heart must be a temple of God. Your must keep this temple always holy, and see that the world, which is Satan himself does not enter into this temple. You must keep awake always and pray in this temple. You must keep the temple always open without shutting the doors and wait at the door longing to see when God will come; you must be listening to God’s Words. Then you will become Blessed.
You must choose the churches which do not serve the world; Or you must form such a congregation; you must go there often and listen to God’s Words with your whole heart. For the spiritual growth of that church, you must bring in other souls with all your strength. You must work with your whole strength for the progress and spiritual growth of that church. You must give all possible kinds of help to meet the expenses of this church. You must be waiting at the door of the church, at proper times with a divine thought of participating in the worship of the church. That is why the Bible says about this as follows: -
“Now therefore listen to me, my children, for blessed are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction and be wise, and do not disdain it. Blessed in the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting and the posts of my doors” (Proverbs 8: 32-34).
Such blessed men discover the wisdom of God. They earn good knowledge. There is no other earning comparable to this. Through this earning peace, joy, God’s grace, wealth and good things increase and multiply. When this earning is invested, many others become children of God. This earning is one which can never be destroyed. The worldly income is destructible. Many rich people with worldly wealth, do not have peace in their homes. They collect invaluable gold, silver and precious stones; they make business and create much wealth. But they do not have the true peace of God.
Jesus asks, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” When the soul is lost, they go to hell; when they save the soul, they go to heaven “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table…. So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried, and he was in torments in Hades’. (Luke 16:19-23). ‘The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying ‘What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?’ So he said; ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods’. And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink and be merry’ But God said to him, “You fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?”(Luke 12: 16-21).
Without being rich in God, if one saves treasures for one’s self, there is no peace or benefit to his soul. So, in this world you should desire to live peacefully and happily and to go to Heaven earning God’s wealth. To this, silver or gold or pearls or materials or pomp or wealth or authorities are no comparison! To those who do not have the wealth of God, diseases increase, as there is no peace. Moreover, when wealth disappears and poverty comes they are unable to manage, unable to stand firmly, and they feel agonised. So, they do not have long life.
To those who have God’s wealth peace and joy are always available. As they love others as themselves, they do not have worldly wealth. Working strenuously, they live a righteous life and are strong. God grants that they live comfortably, as regards their food and dress and they live without disease. They live a long life. The right hand is more useful than the left. In the same way, their long life is like the right hand. Just as the left hand is not as useful as the right hand, instead of using their wealth and honour for this world, they use them to bring glory to the name of God. Just as human beings throw away the unwanted things with their left hands, they will throw away their wealth, if they are not used for God’s work. The reason is that they love God’s wisdom and knowledge more than their worldly wealth.
To them, these are always sweet ways of peace. When we walk along God’s way, that way leads us to Heaven. There they are holding on to the Tree of Life and God’s benefits forever and ever. They are peaceful and happy. As they have discovered God’s wisdom and earned knowledge in this world, they are blessed in His kingdom. That is why the Bible says, “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding;
For her (wisdom’s) proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain than fine gold.
She is more precious than rubies, and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her.
Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honour.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her” (Proverbs 3 : 13-18).
Whoever is clinging to the Words of God which are got from “The Tree of Life”, which gives eternal life too, is receiving much benefit. The more and more the benefit is added, the more they are longing to cling to God’s kingdom. They are meditating night and day so that they can understand more secrets about the Words of God, act accordingly, and reveal it to others. Meditation does not imply that it should be done sitting at one place silently. We can do meditation of the Bible at any time, when we are quiet. While walking, while doing some work, while eating food, and while lying down, we can do meditation. Thus, we can meditate at all times of quietude.
As a man meditates more and more on what he is interested in, his desires become successful. For example writers on philosophy become masters of philosophy to the extent they quietly meditate upon philosophies. Discoverers of new things become great scientists to the extent they meditate silently on them. Writers become great to the extent they meditate quietly on what they write. Students progress in their education to the extent they make a study of their lessons. Politicians and rich men become great, to the extent they meditate upon their areas of interest.
A thief becomes a great robber to the extent he meditates upon the tricks of his trade. Thus every one progresses in his area, according to the extent of the amount of time he spends on it. In the same way, one who worships God receives God’s grace, wealth, peace and joy and becomes a Blessed man according to the extent, he likes the Bible, reads, meditates and acts upon the Words and the laws of God. That is why the Bible says: “ But his delight is in the law of the Lord. And in His law he meditates day and night” (Psalm 1: 2)
As these true Blessed people do not belong to this world, they do not always believe the worldly men. They trust only on God. There are a lot of differences between the worldly people and the non-worldly (spiritual) people. The worldly people are worshipping God without following the commandments and they worship in a superstitious way. They are proud imagining and boasting that they are worshipping God truly. As they belong to untruth, they hate all those who do not agree with their desires. In this world as the majority of people are on the side of untruth, pride, sin and quarrels are increasing. A lump of clay and a leaf became friends. When rain came, the leaf covered the clay and saved it from getting wet. When the storm blew, the clay was on the leaf and saved it from flying away. When the wind and rain came, the clay got soaked and melted away the leaf also flew away. In the same way, people on the side untruth, worship only this world. They will have their churches, religions and congregations destroyed by God. Such times are approaching.
Those who do not believe and associate themselves with the proud and dishonest people and those who fear only God and trust on God alone with their whole hearts and those who follow the commandments of God and walk in the ways of God, will bring glory to the name of God. God saves their souls. He guides them daily so that they will not come to shame. He separates them, and safeguards them from those sorrowing people. He likes the lowly, exalts them through His grace, prospers them and strengthens them like the mountains of Zion. He saves them from dangers; He makes them inherit the land. Without allowing them to suffer, He rears them in faith and hope. He makes them as holy as God and blesses them. When the children of God receive so much wealth and grace from God, they should trust only on God without looking towards the world or the proud people. That is why the Bible says, “Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust, and does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies” (Psalm 40 :4).
Old ‘grannies’ teach the children old superstitious stories, worships and traditions belonging to their times and bring them up in that way. Superstitions increase only because of this. Nowadays to safeguard our children in Christian congregations, people are training their children and developing them in God’s faith through the servants of God and through those scholars of Scriptures. God likes our children to study from the children of God, protecting them from joining the dishonest and proud people.
While looking for a bride for a person in one’s family, when they choose the woman of faith living according to the Words of God and marry her, there will be peace and joy for all in the family. If they choose a woman who does not follow the Words of God and lives a wealthy life being ready to give an enhanced dowry and marry her, that woman comes and spoils the peace and joy in that family. When a proud family supporting untruth, marry a woman from another proud family, everything becomes balanced. At the same time, when a woman of good faith is given to a proud family, that bride and their family members lose peace and joy.
The first woman, created by God, Eve, without obeying God’s Words and obeying Satan’s deceitful lies, not only ate the fruit of sin but gave her husband, Adam, the fruit and spoilt him. Similarly, the proud people belonging to untruth relish the fruit of Satan’s world with joy. They pass on that nature to their generations and the number of Satan’s people in the world is on the increase. Therefore sin, rifts, contradictions and bad traditions are growing. All those who get liberated from these rifts hate the fruit of the world, keeping God as their only hope. They do not rely on this world. Ultimately they become Blessed people.
Millions of people in this world trust on God fully. They read, listen to and worship the Words of God, but they do not live according to it. The reason is that they do not consider the needs of others as they do to their own needs. This is their nature. They are like people who look at their own natural face in the mirror. They do not look at the mirror always. They use the mirror, only when they want to beautify their face. A person forgets his own face and its image after going away from the mirror. Thus, when studying the Words of God, a man feels happy. But after going away from that place, he forgets what he felt about it. It is because he goes into the world after completing his studies and he begins to like the world very much; he lives only for the world. So the world makes him forget the Words of God which he studied and the effects which they created in him.
In these days, people study thoroughly the Words of God, pass the exams, gain high degrees and become big pastors, heads of institutions and leaders of congregations and churches. Many of these compete with each other and go forward as the worldly people. They, for the sake of living comfortably (without any problem), do not obey the Words of the Bible. They forget them, and twist the truth into untruth and untruth into truth, charm the people through messages, songs and music and are nurturing rifts and contradictions. So, the unity among people is being destroyed. Cine actors act well, for the sake of money. After acting, they remove their disguise, receive the money and go away in their cars. People enjoy emotionally, while looking at their acting in the film and the television. Similarly, the people are relishing the deeds of pastors who do God’s work falsely. As these people are following the world, they forget the truth even after studying the Words of God and grow in sin, conflicts, contradictions and traditions.
If these people look closely at the Words of God, they will find out about themselves. Looking at a thing in a mild way, is different from a close look at all things. Just looking at things, is considered to be ordinary eagerness, and looking closely at things is considered to be intense awareness. When a precious thing is lost, they make a thorough search of it with sharp and keen eyes. Likewise, those who intensely search the mysteries and secrets that are hidden in the Words of God, preserve them in their hearts and follow them with a fear of God, save people who are in sin, unite them together and bring glory to the name of God.
The law of God is a complete one. We cannot add or remove anything; the commandments of God are a perfect law. God who created this world and all creatures in it, is complete in everything. He is perfect even in giving us the Scriptures. So He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to this world as a child so that people of the world may understand His Words and become complete in spirituality and be saved. He grew up giving the Words of God, performed signs and wonders, glorified God and brought perfection. He died and rose up again on the third day, conquering this world. He revealed that only these Words are the beginning and the end of judgement. These Living Words take us to Heaven and to an Eternal Life.
When a running race takes place in this world, only one person can be a winner. He himself will gladly announce that he is the winner. Similarly, though there are laws created by man’s imagination, the Biblical law of God’s commandments given through Christ, wins the world. Therefore the Bible says that the Biblical law is the only law which liberates the world.
One who looks at this complete law closely and acts accordingly without forgetting it, conquers the world, becomes a Blessed man to God and goes to the eternal kingdom of God. So the Bible says: “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man, observing his natural face in the mirror, for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does”. (James 1: 23-25).
Dear ones, you have been reading so far about the Words of God given through Jesus Christ and their details which would make you Blessed people in the sight of God. They will take you to Heaven. Truly, you are witnesses for this. Your should declare this testimony to all in an innocent manner and with a holy heart; Then you become Blessed people. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was a witness to God. The Apostles were a witness to God and Christ. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they wrote the Biblical verses as a testimony. In the first century, about three thousand people who gathered in one place and listened to these Scriptural verses had a change of heart, left the consideration of this world, where contradictory generations live. They acknowledged these Words happily, were baptized and saved themselves. They followed the Biblical verses and commandments of God and redeemed themselves. They followed the verses and commandments of the Bible, and stood steadfastly united in neighbourliness, breaking of bread, and praying. Among them there was no sin, separation, contradiction, castes or worldliness. They were together, kept everything in common and enjoyed it. They sold the land and possessions and shared them among all with one mind; they dwelt in the church everyday, broke bread in the houses calling their properties with a common name, ate happily and with an untwisted heart. They praised God receiving good will from all people, became witnesses and were Blessed.
We should also become witnesses like them and become Blessed people. We should also get liberated from varied religions, institutions, congregations and churches which are nurturing separation and forming sects in the world. We should have a change of heart, become united and become Blessed in the sight of God. As the end times are near, without wasting time, give intent and repeated reading of the scriptural verses and the explanations related to the Blessedness from God given in this book. Follow them without holding them back; Do not forget them. Declare them openly and be obedient to those Words. Nowadays as rifts, misunderstandings, sin superstitions and unbelief are growing fast, Satan’s world is growing quickly too. So, God’s anger is coming upon this world. He is warning us about sin, injustice and misjudgement. People are going to be subjected to horrible grief, distress cruel dangers, sufferings confusions and losses.
Many countries and families are getting destroyed. Horrible wars and even the third world war will come and people are going to encounter destruction. As the sun’s heat assaults the world increasingly and because of changes in nature, Agriculture will be spoilt. Famine and starvation many distresses and griefs cruelties, evils, illnesses and diseases will take place. Without rain or reduced rain, they will struggle for drinking water. When they discover a medicine for one disease, many other new diseases like AIDS will seize the world. False prophets will rise and deceive many. On the skies above and on the earth below, blood and smoking fire will appear as wonders. Earth-quakes, volcano eruptions and horrible tempests will occur quite often. Deaths, Lamentations and wild cries will occur, wherever one can see. They will lament saying, “Alas, Alas!.” They will call the mountains to fall on themselves and the hillocks to hide them. People will rise against people, kingdom against kingdom.
Everyone will betray others; homes will be ruined; father will rise against the son, and the son against the father; mother against daughter, and daughter against the mother; mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law. Murders will get repeated and the times when men will destroy each other are coming.
Why should you become blessed men in the sight of Satan, and get entangled in these terrible times? No, try to become Blessed in the sight of God, to discover His kingdom, following the Words and commandments given by God through Jesus Christ, receive the blessing, wealth, grace, peace and joy and become Blessed people. May the name of God be glorified. Amen.
‘If you have read this book, contemplated on it and had an ignited feeling about it, and if you are worshipping God truly, you must follow the Words of God given through Christ. Keep away from all divisions, conflicts, caste prejudices and dirty traditions which are on the increase. Help people who are stuck up in superstition and unbelief, to get liberated. Come forward to save the world and become Blessed in the sight of God.’
Evangelist Sadhu Edward Purushothaman.
Monday, May 12, 2008
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